Need help with tj. Been a long time

Hey guys new to the forums. I haven’t played ki in a long time. I’m talking before cinder was added. I decided to shake off the dust from the old fight stick and get into killer instinct again, (that’s a figure of speech I use a controller I’m not cool enough for a stick). I mean I’ve been playing since I was like 4 years old I can’t stop now. But anyway my favorite character, tj combo, seems to have been changed since last I started playing. From what I can tell, it is no longer possible to link in the middle of his auto barrage. Every time I try to link, it seems to be replaced by this new advantageous ender that he has. It’s cool they added this new technique to his move list, but now I can’t do mix up links like before. Is it just me being rusty and not being good at linking, or is this the new thing? Hoping it’s just me being bad at linking. Need those mix ups again.

For auto barrage,you cannot do a linker in an auto barrage. You can only do a hit that you have not done before in the auto barrage sequence. If you try to do something else,the advantage ender comes out instead.

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Is this a new thing they added to his command list? I don’t remember having this advantageous ender.

Yep! They added it in an update. It was to prevent the opponent from doing a bunch of auto barrages into linkers into more barrages making it almost impossible to break.

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Well when you say it like that I feel like a dirt bag for wanting it back haha thanks for the clarification. Guess I’ll have to hit the dojo lol.

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