My Road to Killer Rank

If they reset it, it will (temporarily) make the problem worse. You see now, we have this divide at not knowing which killers are actually really any good. If this reset happens, it will apply to ALL ranks. In other words, they could be at PaulB levels of skill and only be listed as a qualifier… :frowning:

I assure you, that a reset will not be a solution to this problem except for in the long term (and that’s assuming people continue to play in ranked matches to begin with). :unamused:


Sorry for the late responses people. I fell asleep

@Blade4693 Thanks man!

@Dayv0 Indeed. I have improved a lot. I’m not rico suave or anything but I have improved. :smiley:

@SightlessKombat Thanks man. And that’s a good way of thinking about it :slightly_smiling:

@GalacticGeek Hopefully they won’t have to. But I will have accept to whatever they gotta do.


Congrats @AlienoticFreak! :smile:

I imagine that issue shouldn’t persist for too long. If they keep the system they had at the beginning of Ranked Leagues, then the better players pretty quickly sort themselves out of the lower brackets. I placed in Gold out of qualifiers for instance, and then made it to Killer that same night after about two hours of play.

It seems likely the system won’t be quite as accommodating to make it into Killer this time (or will allow optional drop-downs in rank), but I doubt you’ll wind up facing low-ranked monsters all that often after a week or so.

It doesn’t necessarily have to work that way, depending on how they do it. Im not up to date on how the ranking system works, but in other games, you have an individual rating aside from your official ranking. If they reset the ranking, your individual rating still tells them more or less what kind of players you should be matched up against. However, this assumes that the individual ratings exist…

Either way though, a reset and more segmented ranks, while annoying while qualifying, would have a positive effect in the end as all your matches after the qualification (say 5…10 matches?) will all be closer to your skill level. It seems like an overall positive change in my opinion.

Thank you @STORM179 :slightly_smiling: