My poor cyclops needs your help

Here are some instances of warrior pips getting used in different situations. They tend to happen after combo breakers, or head swaps during a combo, I’ve noticed. But I have one suddenly using warrior pips while in mage the entire time, after using stomp strike and jumping. After the nerfs, this is becoming extremely frustrating because it’s already hard enough to get the form you want to be in, or to even start as the form you want, its hard to set your opponent up to get your pips, and then you just end up losing them for no reason in the incorrect forms. Another clip here is a specific, yet, consistent interaction with Shadow Jagos Shadow fireballs versus Eyedols’ Shadow Lightning… Invulnerability was removed from Eyedol in the last patch because it was an unintended feature, but for some reason the intentional feature which was to clear projectiles is not working either with this character. This also applies to his (Mage) st.Mp , back-Mp, st.Hp, cr.Hp, and all versions of his stomp strike, including shadow stomp strike, and it seems to only happen with Shadow Jago with what I’ve tested. Eyedol DP and shadow DP loses to many other special moves or shadow moves with no invincibility or invulnerability.

I don’t know if anything can be done at this point, but any help is appreciated. It’s a shame to see one of my favorite childhood characters that I use at a competitive level get butchered so badly with nerfs on top of what other crap he already had to deal with prior to any changes. He has clear, bad matchups, and they’re worse now with the changes. RNG values when swapping heads seem extremely high when you’re mid combo, and you DON’T need to change, but it does anyway. And if you do need the change, you gotta whiff buttons or you gotta punch yourself through 30% of your HP and you MIGHT get what you want. It just sucks, because he’s still a strong character when using his tools and resources correctly, but when those tools and resources are disappearing for literally no reason, while not even in the correct form to be using them in the first place, it really hurts the character as a whole. Makes those extremely difficult matchups even MORE difficult because it’s harder to close the gap with the pips that you earned during the match that are suddenly taken away.