Mortal Kombat XL

@FallofSeraphs76 This is not my picture.

Fiasco is exactly that… a fiasco.


I think its the other way around, SF is for ppl that cant play MK X. Anyone can pick up SF and do damage and maybe sneak a game in from someone half way decent. MK, if you dont know the combos or how to block properly…you are going down quick!

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How to summarize MKXL in GIF form


That is my favorite video/gif on the internet :slightly_smiling:

Yesterday I played some playermatches. Some opponents were awesome & I played many games with them. teabaggers & fatalityusers I left at once.
But why the hell is people wasting so much time on them still? If they teabag & performs fatalities each time the opponent will leave, then both will be put back in menus having to search & search & search again.

In the end I came across a guy, he won the first match, did a fatality on me and I suppose as he was ok in stalling inbetween games so did I. I slowly went to character select, slowly went to my character, slowly chose my costume, slowly chose my variation & slowly chose a stage. After that he did no more fatalities.

Please patch in a skipbutton.

Oh and also, Ed is hinting at a KP3.

My wishes

Li Mei
Kabal? Havik?

But we all know there will be 50% guestcharacters.

Probably because of a serious decline in sales of that kp2

Maybe news?

If they are, it will bring a lot of smiles to PC Players, and maybe renew faith in the MKX PC Community.

During their streams people always complain/spam regarding this.

I hope PC players will get this.
If we got crossplay it would be completely amazing.
If MKX came to the NX it would be completely… well, too late. But let’s say a kombat pack 3 comes(high chance?) I think it would be wise to put out MKX on NX.

Now that the netcode is as stable as it is I hope the game keeps on going. (Although i’m still not happy about how WB have handled things)

Only Sindel would restore my faith in MK community.


Btw why is bo rai cho wearing Kim Wus sandals lol

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Lol he likes her fashion sense. XD

Has NRS said anything about the crashing during the towers?

@TheNinjaOstrich @FallofSeraphs76 @MandrillManiac @RTA07 @Sasuke99I @Dayv0



LOL!!! Helll yes!!! He’s baaaaaaack ! Shang Tsung!!..oh wait…its just Kev

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Yay. Kev is back.

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… Who are you again?





I tried to find a cool Jotaro Gif to rival your Dio, bit Jotaro has sucky Gifs. LOL

I like how your response is so simple. XD

Nice Profile Pic By the way! I like it! :smile: