Meaties in Training Mode

Hi there, quick question. In the Training mode if you set the opponent to auto block and then go for a meaty after knocking them down, if they wake up block does that mean it’s a meaty? This has always been something that’s been bugging me as I know it’s true of some moves but not others. The reason I’m asking now is because I’m trying to develop Aganos meaties with his War Path target combo and I’m able to time it to where they block it on wakeup but if I record the dummy to do the exact meaty timing, I’m able to beat it with 4f jabs and what not.

What I’m thinking is that the CPU blocks for X amount of frames on wakeup with auto block on and then releases it afterwards. If anyone has any definitive answer, I’d highly appreciate it!

If you’re using the Record feature to program a training dummy, then the Auto Block option won’t matter, then recorded actions override most any other training mode options like the Block option and the combo break options (break on frame 0, 10, etc.). The recording plays out the exact controller recording you performed, and NOTHING else.

To help determine if a meaty or wakeup scenario is effective or not, you’ll want to set Aganos as the second player, and record him performing the meaty/option select. Basically, you’ll have him perform a hard knockdown on you, and then you’ll time your option select to when your character wakes up, and any thing relevant to the setup.

Then once you’ve recorded Aganos performing the setup, you set him to playback, and assume control of the other character you selected. You’ll let Aganos knock you down (via the recording), then on your character’s wakeup, you’ll try and perform various options, like say Jago’s light punches, wind kick, tiger fury uppercut, fireball, backdash, and just generally, any and all options Jago has in the situation.

If Aganos’ actions win or draw, it was a good option, but if you beat Aganos’ actions, it means the option can be beaten. If you do a special move on wakeup and time it perfectly to activate first frame, you should see the word “reversal” under the opponent’s health bar, and if your option beats their’s you should probably see the word “counterhit” under Aganos’ health bar.

A lot of that is timing dependent, as well as dependent on the setup. You’ll have to get your timings right and everything.

Just remember though the auto block has nothing to do with anything if you use an opponent recording option. If you aren’t using a recording to test your options, and you are just using the auto block feature, you’ll be getting inaccurate information. So make good use of the recording option.

TL:DR No the opponent doesn’t block for X frames on wakeup using the auto block option. There are more accurate ways to test meaty setups using the record feature, but using auto block as the guideline will likely give you inaccurate results.



Can someone please explain training the practice dummy?

If proper meatiness (late active frames) doesn’t matter, and you just want to know whether or not x-sequence will result in the opponent sitting still, record the dummy mashing jab/backdashing (unpause>jabjabjab>pause, playback; or unpause>backdash>pause, playback). In the mash jab scenario, if you get a “Counter Hit” message w/o seeing the dummy animate, success. In the backdash scenario, you should be getting a “Punishment” message upon hitting the end of their backdash.

It’s not sophisticated, and it only really answers one question, but it’s easy if you’re only asking the one question.

Otherwise, follow @IronFlame’s instructions. [quote=“Slaughternautt, post:3, topic:18620”]
Can someone please explain training the practice dummy?

Not sure what sort of info you’re looking for? Could you elaborate?

IronFlame did a pretty good job, I thought.

I guess I was just unaware there was a record feature which his entire post presupposes you should know about

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The Action option in the “Dummy Options” menu contains the Record function. When you toggle to Record, the dummy begins recording your inputs as soon as you unpause, and the recording ends when next you pause. Upon recording a dummy sequence, the Playback function will become available on the “Dummy Options” menu - as w/ Record, highlighting Playback and unpausing will play back the recording immediately, and loop itself ad nauseum.

This is not only helpful for finding meaties & OS’s, but also for practicing against them, along w/ other (more common or more specific) scenarios. For example:

is a comfortable loop for most characters to practice AA against. Using the characters crossup button helps create a slightly more complex situation w/ minor spatial variances. The walkback should be about the length of the dummy’s jump, so as to sort of reset itself instead of just jumping all over you. This meant to simulate an “average” jump-in.


RECORD>Fireball>walkback, fwd, back>PAUSE
is a comfortable loop to practice interacting vs. fireballs, especially if you extend the recording w/ varying strengths of fireballs to affect their velocity.

It is also common to begin a recording w/ an empty neutral jump as a sort of signal.

It’s pretty much SF4’s training room, w/ a couple of neat extras.

I’m sorry, I believe I led everyone in this thread towards a misconception. My mistake!

What I was really trying to find out that my post didn’t make any bit clear at all is just if I set the CPU to auto block and then I knock it down, how many frames will it block for on wakeup before going back to neutral?

I know how to setup meaties in the game and all of that jazz but this was something I was wondering if anyone had any definitive answer for. Maybe one of the @developers could help shine a light on this?

Thank you for all of the responses though!

Well, that depends on how long the move you used puts the opponent in knockdown. If you use a move that hits the dummy for a soft knockdown, they may block for a few frames after getting up. If you use a move that puts them in hard knockdown, they may or may not block at all when they get back up. That’s why testing a meaty just using auto block is not a reliable test for a set up. A training dummy set to auto block might actually NEVER block on wakeup if the move you used has a large enough frame advantage off the move, and this might give you bad conclusions as to whatever situation you’re testing.

So the short answer is, depending on what you do, the character may or may not block at all as they are getting up. The auto block only works for so long, and that duration may be reset while the opponent character is lying on their back, so your results might not be accurate using this method.