If you’re using the Record feature to program a training dummy, then the Auto Block option won’t matter, then recorded actions override most any other training mode options like the Block option and the combo break options (break on frame 0, 10, etc.). The recording plays out the exact controller recording you performed, and NOTHING else.
To help determine if a meaty or wakeup scenario is effective or not, you’ll want to set Aganos as the second player, and record him performing the meaty/option select. Basically, you’ll have him perform a hard knockdown on you, and then you’ll time your option select to when your character wakes up, and any thing relevant to the setup.
Then once you’ve recorded Aganos performing the setup, you set him to playback, and assume control of the other character you selected. You’ll let Aganos knock you down (via the recording), then on your character’s wakeup, you’ll try and perform various options, like say Jago’s light punches, wind kick, tiger fury uppercut, fireball, backdash, and just generally, any and all options Jago has in the situation.
If Aganos’ actions win or draw, it was a good option, but if you beat Aganos’ actions, it means the option can be beaten. If you do a special move on wakeup and time it perfectly to activate first frame, you should see the word “reversal” under the opponent’s health bar, and if your option beats their’s you should probably see the word “counterhit” under Aganos’ health bar.
A lot of that is timing dependent, as well as dependent on the setup. You’ll have to get your timings right and everything.
Just remember though the auto block has nothing to do with anything if you use an opponent recording option. If you aren’t using a recording to test your options, and you are just using the auto block feature, you’ll be getting inaccurate information. So make good use of the recording option.
TL:DR No the opponent doesn’t block for X frames on wakeup using the auto block option. There are more accurate ways to test meaty setups using the record feature, but using auto block as the guideline will likely give you inaccurate results.