Make Orchid look great again

You’re all disgusting creeps who drool over hypersexualized digital women!

*goes to drool over Miguel who recently was announced to be in Tekken 7*


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Nono, seriously, no disrespect to you, read some of the stuff from other posters a bit further up, there’s much worse up there than the little discussion we started after my little textual brain ■■■■. :wink:

Oh you mean the whole wife thing and all that? Eh, that’s also the norm. If it’s something I don’t like I generally ignore it and let people like their thing. I’m the same way.

As one of my mottos’ “It could always be worse.”

Eh, I was just making commentary on the fact that us discussing Orchid being basted like a chicken wasn’t the most awkward thing that happened in this thread, which is actually kinda impressive.

Fair enough. Speaking of chicken…it’s almost time for thanksgiving.

Still think those goggles are silly.

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I like the googles. Just…that absurd amount of hair just…hanging there. She needs to either style it or cut it.

Amanda Chavez sculpted DH Orchid accessories

Kevin Bayliss only designed retros for season 2