LPT: Don't ever get hit by this button

I didn’t have a problem much as Shadow Jago versus Tusk. I have adjusted my gameplan since these posts though, but I still remain on the stance the blockstrings that time deflect windows remain strong, and a lot of players use them. I’m starting to see emerging patterns though, and the fights are getting a little more fair now.

Also, I’m primarily a Cinder player. A number of his specials have lower priority and approaching Tusk is more difficult, especially when your normal footsie game is half the reach of that giant sword. I’ve also learned that the crouching HP is effective at destroying my cross up, if poorly timed. It’s those little things you learn over time.

I’m a little less worried about this matchup now. I don’t believe Tusk needs any nerfs or anything though, he’s solid.

Tusk’s entire gimmick is damage, without it he’s just some slow guy with nice reach. He’s about being patient and waiting for the right moment to strike through someone’s wreckless offense and make them hurt for it.
If his reach was simply an annoyance nobody would respect him whatsoever, but the way he is right now catching a stray hit from his sword can be very costly. He’s slow, but backs it up with power, which is a pretty standard setup for a character layout. Removing his power isn’t the solution.

If you’re having trouble with what he’s dishing out in a combo, I suggest working on your break timing as @BigBadAndy has pointed out.

I agree with @IronFlame that Tusk is solid right now, poor matchups included. When I hit a guy I feel that my patience was rewarded, but it’s still up to me to keep the combo intact because this is Killer Instinct, after all.

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Visually his st.HP is the easiest deflect to master because the first half of the move is a block so when using st.HP imagine you are actually trying to block an attack the timing will come.

When it comes to frames cr.MP has the most-likely-to-catch-by-accident deflect window.

When it comes to timing his cr.HP it is the most reversal like Deflect. You almost time it like you would a good DP.

His st.MP and mpSkull Splitter are very random until mastered.

His hpSkull Splitter is his most frightening deflect because it last so long especially in instinct when you combine it with light Spirit step.

His Conqueror deflects function more like true Counters than a reverse counter hit.

I’m actually really lousy and deflecting with HP Splitter, ironically.

I deflected a combo breaker with heavy Skull Splitter…O___O

That doesn’t make any sense at all. Gotta be a bug.

Air Shadow Skull Spliter > spirit step > Lp Conqueror > Ground Shadow Skull Splitter (juggle) > hp Skull Splitter Mashing Heaving during Deflect Window


Combo Breaker Deflected into recapture.

Yeah that’s so getting fixed.

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Lmao :laughing:

Yeah, they had mentioned in the Tusk reveal stream that in QA someone had somehow deflected a combo breaker.

Guess it’s still in


It’s all fun and games until Rico Suave deflects MyGods match saving combo breaker at Evo.

Yeah since they mentioned it in the reveal stream I’m pretty sure they don’t have any plans on taking that out (unless someone finds a way to exploit it.)

On the topic of damage it’s worth discussing that 69-70% is probably the highest “practical” damage we’ll see.

A lot of bnb combos will fall in the 30-40% range and 50 to 60’s with bar expenditure.

So the fuckhueg Maximillian 102% combos only come when you make huge mistakes like getting counterbroken on skewer attempts or off any of his stagger combos.

So, basically, that means the whole “push buttons and I will harm you” theme just continues on through the combo system through a very simple way. ■■■■■ up and Tusk deletes your lifebar.

Is this broken? If you’re unfamiliar with the matchup than yes, yes it seems so. If you acknowledge the stakes raised by the mindgames that Tusk presents and learn the match up? Probably not so much.

102% combo is because Aria has less hp per total life. Imho he doest to much damage with little risc, the damage can stay if made it easier to break/counter, same situation as TJ last year.

Regarding damage percentages:


There will always be anomalies. According to my leaderboard stats my high damage with Tusk is 96 or 98%. I’m not doing anything crazy and I honestly don’t remember but it was probably a lockout followed by a counter breaker. So yeah, that one combo is higher than you will get with most characters. But my average combo damage with tusk is not much higher than my average with other characters. His big damage is more apparent in the neutral pokes and sword sweeps. And again, even looking at another big damage character like Thunder, he has much better openers to get you into a combo than tusk.

The matches I win with Tusk are generally not won with big combo damage.

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