Lost Interest In Most KI Tournaments

People struggle against Jago and Fulgore? This is news to me.

LIES. you can’t get a juggle combo and oki off a throw and tell me it’s terrible :joy:


They’re talking about the throw range, which is definitely terrible.


Why do you need range when you have all those options???

To tick with, silly.

Also, as a fellow Omen, I kinda think we have it better
 well, okay I haven’t played Omen since the last round of nerfs, including the throw nerf, so maybe not anymore? It didn’t sound so bad though. I’ll forever miss corner throw>guess which legs>corner throw>guess which legs reset shenanigans. I guess that’s why the nerf hapoened though. shrug

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Trust. Omen is a WIDELY UNEXPLORED problem.

SSSSHHHHH!!! Dad’ll see, then we’ll get the Jagore treatment, man!


Define footsies.

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Usually footsie based characters are suppose to do big damage because it’s tough for them to get in so when they do that’s their reward. Take Orchid and Kim Wu for example, they have a ton of matchups in which they struggle to advance forward both of which can land 50% relatively easily on a locklout.

We warned them over and over.

They didn’t listen.


What did you warn who about? Without context, this is just a shxtpost.


He’s not interested in making sense or posting anything constructive, he just wants to feel smug. That’s how Paul do.


Warned about what?

Ain’t that the truth.

Warned them about introducing game and character mechanics that would lead to people like the OP feeling the way he does about the game. His sentiment is a common one.


It might be a double edged sword but
 I don’t know man, Eyedol is pretty fun. Someone better get him in top 5 soon. :smiley:

The only reasons I don’t watch twitch tournaments is:

  1. I hate twitch’s toxicity but that can be fixed soon
 I hope.
  2. They usually go pretty late into the night
 But that’s loser talk.
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shrug I dunno, man, I thought Combo Breaker, CEO and SCR were pretty hype tournaments this year. So I have reason to believe it’s not the game’s fault.


How much of the thread have you read along with? So much of this has had absolutely nothing to do with new mechanics, but underutilization of old mechanics, and people just not being good or entertaining. OP’s major complaint for a large percentage of posts was Jago and Fulgore.

You might be projecting just a bit.

Moreover, the new system mechanics are genre staples that nobody other than KI players who haven’t played other FG’s even think about. In other games we call them ‘air resets’ and ‘crumple states’ and nobody cries, despite how much more prolific they are. Personally, I was really confused watching S2 wondering why EVERY air hit was a knockdown. Seemed unfinished, from a spectator perspective.

To each his own, I guess. Still not convinced that we aren’t growing, just that old-guard is shriveling and the new blood is stepping up. shrug

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