Looking to use my shadow customization in ranked leagues

I am trying to use my shadow customization on the multiplayer ranked leagues. I don’t know how to do it. I can’t even change the color of my shadow in the customization either. Can somebody help me with this?

If you mean trying to customise you character while fighting other shadows in the shadow lab. You currently can’t or use colours either.

I have seen people use their customized shadow characters in the online matches.

If you mean the character Shadow jago, he has no accessories but does have unlockable colours that you can use by levelling him up and earning xp.

No, I mean the other characters like Fulgore, Spinal, Hisako and the other characters with accessories.

Oh, you mean all characters to play single player and multiplayer but not Shadow lab? If so, go to store and collection then fighters and click on the fighter you want to customise. Hope this helps. :wink:

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You can not choose the color of your Shadow lab fights. You can pick the accessories, but not color unfortunately.

Any other mode you can pick any color or Custom character skin you create in the store/fighters section of your game.

Do not want to open a new topic, since I have similar problem.

Now I have read on the internet, everyone gives the similar replay: you can not.
Well you know what? My shadow has a diffrent color, although do not know how.

When I fight (as my character in Shadow Lab, survival, aim for other shadows etc)
It has standard color. But when I challenge my shadow, it has color#2.
So there is a way, question: how?

Feel free to check it out: Orchid (user: Malttikettu)

Alright, I guess I see that there is some glitch in the game (or maybe it suppose to be like this),
that Orchid Retro - if you choose mimic or shadow skin, it will have yellow outfit, and you can not change that. The same goes with Jago retro - it has blue, and you can not change that.

Sorry for high hopes if anyone was interested.