Looking for "Shadow Lab" friends [Shadow Lords Update]

I’m having the same problem with fallout 4 wishing I could play some Skyrim.

I’ve been busy the last couple weeks with adulting and home life but I’ll be back in the fray tonight. Quite a few shadows to answer

I need a good 20 more matches for my shadow Aganos, can you guys help me out with the shadow ruffian achievement?

Fought it earlier tonight :wink:

I saw, thanks, finally beat your shadow too…one of the toughest shadows I’ve faced.
Have to say I find Shago’s difficult to fight in general though, especially with my Aganos, where I prefer to keep some distance, damn teleportkick :cold_sweat:

Yeah his dive kick if surged is multi hitting too, tough for aganos I would imagine.

I always panick when I see that move :stuck_out_tongue:

By the way I just saw that a few achievements havent been unlocking for me.
Friendly thunder
Friendly hisako
And demonic despair. On the achievement screen they show as 100% but not unlocked. I did the demonic luck achievement with omen afterwards and it did unlock…any have advice?
I already rebooted my xbox, didnt wom.

Okay, I haven’t played any shadows lately. I will log in later to fight your Aganos.

@Rolly2891 i also saw that you had challenged my shadow. I still have to catch up on all bounties.

You could try uninstalling and reinstalling ki. Not sure if that would help.
i think there may be a thread on here for achievements not popping. That might have some info in it.

Yeah, I went through my friends list shadows earlier, well the active in ki ones anyway.

Still trying to teach my shadow some stuff.

Yeah , my shadow still doesn’t do her vortex even though I have recorded it many times.

I am sort of making a run at Killer with Aria as I hardly played rank last year…so I almost never look at shadows these days.

@Draigh, this just happened to me with one of Shagos achievements. Shows 100 percent and doesnt unlock. Post up here if you figure it out. I’ll do the same.

Same for me with 4 KI achievements and 1 Arkham Knight achievement yesterday. All done, just says “Unlocking”.
Haven’t opened Shadows in ages. need to check it out.

Since more ppl havent gotten achievements yesterday, and it also happened on other games, seems like an xbox live error…

Checked the general xbox board at gamefaqs and a lot of ppl had this happen yesterday.
Apparently happens if you get achievements when aomethings up with xbox live. Normally they should pop up a day or two later is what I’m hearing.

I think its fixed now. The KI achievements unlocked, not sure about the Arkham Knight one.

Yeah, same here, only I checked my other KI achievements and it didnt unlock my season 1 mural achievement, eventhough its 0 points, I would really like it…doesnt say 100% or anything either, which thr other ones did…

Have you tried playing through anyone’s ladder again? That may fix your problem.

Tried it just now, didnt work…

My shadow jago popped. Must have been an XBL thing. However, my season 1 mural achievement is still dead in the water like @Draigh.

Is there any chance we can compile a list of names for people to add for shadows friends? I dont mind doing the labor, just wanted to gauge if this was even something people cared about. I am trying to train my orchid like a pokemon haha.