Looking for advice against hisako

Just want to let this video here because that same guy from the other video was also beating all my throw/reversal attempts 100% of the time.
I could not understand how he was always guessing right then I found this:

These option selects seems unfair!

She’s had them for a while, but they aren’t nearly as good as you might think. If you simply block on wakeup you will see her whiff a counter and can punish however you like. Or you could backdash it, neutral jump (in anticipation of the command grab), or even just wake up with a cr.LK or something. Parry/throw OS’s have their place, but it’s not usually a good idea, and certainly not on an opponent’s wakeup. :confused:

You shouldn’t be trying to throw tech on wakeup, btw. It’s a really, really bad option, and will lose to nearly anything Hisako is likely to do to you on knockdown.