I want to give kudos to Iron Galaxy for making Mira.
Though I am not 100% satisfied with her, I still think she is absolutely awesome!
I love vampires and blood magic, and Mira is an awesome vampiric blood mage! I would’ve preferred to have the blood be red, simply because I find it visually more appealing, but I’m eager to learn what the lore-reason is for the decision to make it black and what that gauntlet has to do with it.
Mira oozes with personality! Her intro, her win pose, and even through her gameplay her personality shines all the way through! She’s sadistic, she’s haughty, she likes to play with her opponent and she really appears to enjoy the fight, moaning in delight at her foe’s pain. Her winpose is probably my favourite of them all in the game.
And I want to give the design-team special kudos for being successful at making a female character have great sex-appeal, yet being almost fully covered up! She shows only a little bit of skin, mainly her arms and a bit of cleavage, yet she probably has the most sex-appeal of them all. I dare say, even more than Orchid. And not only that, her outfit is absolutely awesome as well! The mixture of gothic elegance and pieces of armour, the scarf and coattail that flows as she dances across the stage - it just looks fantastic.
I’m struggling a bit with her gameplay, having a hard time getting used to spending lifebar on attacks and getting it back, but that said, I still love all her moves. The blood scythe, the cannon drill, the old-school mist teleport and that hilarious bite linker where she chomps away on the opponent (I giggle ever time)! Her moveset is perfect! She is the embodiment of everything I wanted in a vampire character for Killer Instinct. I just need to learn to GIT GUD with her, but I suck at videogames in general. XD
Though I mainly wanted a male vampire (mostly for eye-candy reasons), want the blood to be red and I struggle with getting used to her lifebar usage, I absolutely love Mira. She is awesome! You did good, IG. You can give yourselves a pat on your backs on this one. Thank you. <3
Can’t wait to see her story mode. ^^