Killer Instinct Weekly Forum Battles

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#AWESOME stream. Thanks Guys!
#And hello new players!

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Yeah, I certainly had fun! With 1 win, 1 loss, and 1 no-show due to training a new player, I think it was a pretty even setup this week. It was definitely nice to see all the new participants - I even made 2 new friends out of it! :smiley:

If any of you newcomers want to keep practicing or learning, Iā€™m here; GT = Galactic Geek. :wink:


Good Games @SightlessKombat, fun playing with you as always.

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GGs. By the way, I did know she was gonna land there at 3:49:50 :sunglasses:

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I simultaneously like and hate your user picture, @LemonHunter38 - it appears as if itā€™s peering into my very soulā€¦ :disappointed_relieved:


Thats ā€œone punch manā€. Another Anime.

Dude, Its one punch man. Even if he cared about staring at souls nobody would be able to stop him

Thatā€™s 1 Punch Man? Iā€™ve never seen it, but I just (literally) learned about the anime yesterday - some YouTuber did a quicky review of it, showed footage of it, and highly recommended it. I donā€™t remember him ever looking like that. I remember him being tall, narrow-faced with a pointy chin, muscular, and kinda scary looking. Then again, I might be misremembering or misrepresenting with a different character from the same anime. That image you have though just looks like a Dave from Super-Mart or some other stupid place.

He better not become a character in KI - that would be so broken.

This Dude

Somehow still is

This dude


Battles were fun today, even if I lost almost all of them both on and off stream :slightly_smiling: I had a few good moments though.
Sorry I bugged off early. Little nephew wanted to play.

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Thereā€™s gonna be the first Brazilian community tournament as of tomorrow, The killer instinct community cup BR #1. starting 11:00 AM PST 15:00 BrasĆ­lia. Its kinda like the forum battle in the way its free entry, but its got a bit more of a tourney structure
Edit: There will be a stream
Edit 2 the editening: The stream will be at


GGs to Optic and Forest Blade! The old style of Forum Battles was back and it was great! Just how I like it! :slightly_smiling:
Oh and GG to that bum @TheNinjaOstrich lol hows my Shago face feel on your Jago fist? huh huh???


This is cool. Someone should make a tournament or foreign tournament thread so that we know when these things happen and can support the streams.

This sounds strangely backwards; did you switch ā€œfistā€ and ā€œfaceā€ by accident, or did you just get wrecked? :stuck_out_tongue:

I atually did post about it, but it got very little attention :cold_sweat:

The latterā€¦

Cough Jago vs Shadow Jago Cough

Yeah, thanks for the pointers Galactic :sunglasses:

Youā€™re very welcome! :smiley:

Sorry for not showing up, I wasnā€™t informed of any of these arrangement changes @MRxFluttershy and @RGLOfficial, though they sound good as people seemed to have had a good time. I tried to make the party but people didnā€™t really let me know they wanted in, which is why there wasnā€™t a true forum battles party.

Glad to hear things went well.