Killer Instinct Weekly Forum Battles

Oh no! The cat’s out of the bag!

…and the poor thing’s goin’ right for the kitty-litter.

…'cause, you know, they’re like tiny, little rock pebbles. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…and Lord knows I do hate to be crapped on… :expressionless:

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I don’t know why I accepted your fight request. A decision I regret interms of KI at least - Cinder players are so infuriating - not like Sadira’s or Kan-Ra’s though. I’d be happy to run sets with you and actually work through strategies to deal with Cinder though, if you’re willing. I have you on my friends list so let me know when you have a microphone and we can talk.

I imagine fighting Cinder must be tough. How do you handle the trailblazer? Especially light and medium.

Wanna play some sets one day?

#Hello Everyone!

Today is my birthday, and things aren’t going so great :stuck_out_tongue:

So i will be streaming today to have some fun and talk to you guys!


I will have a special guest with me!


(who has trouble playing pac-man!)

I will help her through the dojo as far as i can, and then we will play some matches. I hope it is a good show, and maybe can be used as data for the devs to help them update the dojo in the future!

We will be live in 30-40 minutes!

Twitch: MrTheFlutterShy

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This better be good.

Why do you say it like that? that sounds mean. :frowning:

If my mom play with your mom for KI matches. THAT WOULD VERY AWESOME!

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I mean hurry up. It takes too long. JUST DO IT ALREADY :stuck_out_tongue:

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live now …

So, I don’t understand. Is it just you and your mom playing each other?

Its him trying to get his mom through the dojo.


Streams over. I will do a part 2 eventually :stuck_out_tongue:

current progress: lesson 6

I can’t believe I missed your birthday stream with your mom!


…I’m just kidding, RL is freaking awesome. You should get it for your birthday. :wink:

Still, sorry I wasn’t there. :frowning:


Rocket League is one of the best multiplayer games ever made.

Would you suggest PC or Xbone for it? I’ve been looking at picking it up, but I just haven’t decided.

If you have the choice and your PC isn’t ancient, definitely get it on PC. It is cross-play with PS4 and has the biggest player base by far. The XB1 version of the game is segregated away from the others, so you’d only be able to play with others who have the XB1 version.

I use my XB1 controller on PC and it’s no problem. The PC version is also inarguably the best if you have an even half-decent rig, because it runs fluidly at 60FPS while the PS4 version (and probably the XB1 version?) have some occasional frame drops on the more graphically intense maps.

I will say that the XB1 version comes with all the DLC to date for the price of just the base game, so it might be a slightly better value to offset the fact that it can’t play with other platforms. And there are probably lots of new players learning the game on there to play with. But the player base is so big for RL that at any given time on the PC/PS4 servers, there will be new players to learn with. At peak times in the evening there are always 100,000+ players online so there are players of all skill levels.

(I suppose I should add that it does depend who you want to play with. If you plan to play with a bunch of KI fans and they all own it on XB1, or something like that, then you might want to pick it up there.)

Thanks for the info. I think I’ll get it on PC then.

NO! I need more RL friends on the XB1!

…get both. :wink: