Killer Instinct Weekly Forum Battles

I am doung so right now in fact. I am live. Join and lets have some KI action Nvm no one is in. Stream is canceled.

3 cheers for Flutter… I mean, uh… What’s your name again?

…never mind.

Oh, wait! 3 cheers!


Wait, no… That’s not right…

*I can’t seriously believe the middle finger has its own emote; I just had to use it. Oh, and no offense. :wink:


You know, if these forum profiles are linked to your Xbox Live Gamertag…

Why not pay the $10 to change your gamertag?

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Just want to let you know that video is awful Ostrich :joy:

My logic will forever be a secret.

Sorry to hear that.

Well, now I feel really bad for consistently missing out lately. :sweat:
Well, I look forward to the future updates. Added your new account to my friends list, comrade!

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@sasuke99i Would’ve come, but fell asleep. :zzz:

ive missed just as much as everyone else, really. :frowning:

But that is why a “reset” is necessary.

We need to be just as consistent as the website itself.

LOL That’s why it’s the best.

I feel kind of bad for posting this, because i am really just fishing for attention by doing it! :smiley:

But this tease also serves as a “promise”. And if i don’t hold up to the promise of what i am doing, then i would be a terrible person for wasting everyone’s time. So posting wil give me some motivation to keep going! :slight_smile:

Here you go!

This is what my desktop looks like right now:

I wonder what it could mean :confused:


Right Click…

“Open Link in New Tab”

I know. But this gif is perfect! lol

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I wouldn’t normally make a public post like this, but I just wanted to let @MRxFluttershy know that I wish to speak with him about the future of Forum Battles. I only discovered the news of @RGLOfficial’s leaving the event for an indeterminate time over the weekend and wish to discuss my involvement as well (since I was one of the original co-founders along with @RGLOfficial) and I was not, for any number of reasons, involved in the discussions surrounding this.

To end on a lighter note however, I appreciate all the time and effort this community has put into Forum Battles and whilst it may have had its ups and downs, it’s mostly been pretty good other than a few arguments etc.


it is now @ZDhome …not mrxfluttershy. He changed his GT

Just sent you a friend request!

I hope i can catch you today.

Thanks for the clarification.

#New Thread is up!

I will be finishing the OP soon!

Thread title:
“Killer Instinct Forum Battles”

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For anyone without the link.

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