Killer Instinct Season 3 Details

guys do something with the character shadows…they are at different direction that they should be

So a 1000 year old immortal wouldnt learn to speak proper? His voice fit exactly

Characters have the strongest light source from the front… so the shadows are how they should be… However they also have light sources from the stage and bounced light on them too to fit them in more naturally to the environment

i see tusk (and others) stage and all the shadows are diagonally towards the camera and the characters shadows are crossing them like the characters are in a different environment. i think they reduced the front light in most of the stages so the background comes more clear, but the shadows remained the same.they need some more work imo.

He should have no trouble downloading it and playing on PC, even if he’s never booted up the game on an Xbox before.

They gave specific instructions for people who want to play on Xbox and PC, but if you’re just starting on PC (even if you bought the game on sale a few months ago) you don’t have to worry about them.

Kim Wu = Good chracter against Gargos and Ultra tech
Arbiter = Good or Neutral
Rash = Neutral
Tusk = Good character against Gargos and Ultratech,

That means Aria and Gargos will need more support to defeat the new good guys. Aria especially since sadira is no longer at Ultra tech. Hence

New character 1 = Evil character loyal to Ultratech
New character 2 = Right hand of Gargos
New character 3 = No idea ( but surely not a guest)
New character 4 = No idea ( surely not a guest)
Bonus character = Gargos, since the previous were Shago and Omen. these are my guesses

The greenish, purple theme of the season logo surely indicate on of these characters will be really epic looking, with some green aura , probably gargos.

Eyedol I can understand why this is up in the air but…

I really do not get why people assume Gargos is not confirmed. I cannot fathom this and here is why:

1- The plan is to have three seasons, it’s pretty ■■■■ obvious that Gargos will likely be a final boss in the game and playable as well.

2-The season2 story has been hinting pretty HEAVILY that Gargos is coming. Tell me what exactly can happen between season2’s canon ending, and season3’s beginning? what do the good guys to the DQ and have ice-cream? does Aria take a week off? There’s just too many things hinted at.

3- While this is debated, Omen is te Herald of Gargos, that tells us that Gargos is gonna be in this game at some point. Now we can argue of when Gargos actually makes his debut in this season or not, but going back to reason two it seems ridiculous to assume Gargos isn’t coming.

That’s like opening up a can of fruit but then not actually eating the fruit, why would you open it in the first place?

Now Eyedol’s fate I can CERTAINLY understand. and while I know some folks may be against Eyedol’s return be it from bad experiences or just not an appealing character I’m all for Eyedol coming back because not only is he a part of KI’s history, he is also a member of the cast like it or not.

Plus it’s a new KI game, there’s no reason everyone sould not have their favorite character’s returning. Plus what may have been unappealing to some folks can be improved and changed albeit this always varies between all the characters. Some folks loved Maya’s new design as an example, some even said it was improvement. But again this varies. This game is a new opportunity for the old cast.

Heck before season1 of KI was announced you guys had NO idea how much my brother and I despised T.J Combo.

We hated his guts, simply because he killed Riptor in the old KI history, he was the reason Riptor was not in KI2 and the cast became more human…ey than usual. Granted we can blame this on the developers but at the time our child minds didn’t think quite on the big picture before.

The point is that this was a new KI game after 20 years of abscense and my brother and I decided we’d support every character that was coming back, even if we hated them, we’d help support those who loved those characters coming back because we beleived no one should be denied an old favorite returning.

As much as I hate to admit it, roster makes a big BIIIG Role in motivating someone to play a game in a franchise they are familiar with. While it may seem trivial it’s something I can understand as to why someone would not touch a game because a character they loved wasn’t in it, or a character they simply were interested in wasn’t there to coax them a bit. It’s like coming to a party but none of your friends or people you’re comfortable around are there. So you’re unsure about the strange and unfamiliar faces and for all you know, may not even be your friend. It’s a chance some folks just won’t take. Not everyone may have te motivation to go find someone new and possibly like them or not. It’s a 50/50 really.

Believe it or not that has affected me in some way in the past. It’s why I prefer KI1 over KI2 even if KI2 gameplay wise may be superior it lacked te diversity of characters that KI1 had. And in my case it was hardly as memorable. Only reason I didn’t shut off that N64 on Christmas morning was Fulgore was there which softened the sourness I felt when Riptor was no where to be found in the roster. I never cared for Kim, Tusk, or Maya they didn’t appeal to me like Riptor and Cinder did and they didn’t have anything about them that would ever make me want to pick them up. I only found Tusk amusing because of the Ultimate that had a creature that looked ALOT like Riptor but that was no consolation.

However that does not mean I do not welcome Kim, Tusk and Maya back with open arms, because someone obviously cared for these characters and I think the fact someone liked them was good enough for them to come back. Just as I had my reasons for Riptor and Cinder to return.

To give you guys a more modern point: After Riptor came back in season2, My brother and I have been playing a hellva ton more than normal, and we were already playing the freaking hell out of it. Then Cinder came back and pfft. before we knew it, the rest of march was blown by and half of April was gone to, lol.

Basically when a favorite has come back, a familier face it can motivate people who like the franchise to play it even more and there’s also the chance new players can like it to. While KI’s been good with new faces lately they’re always more of a risk then with a familiar face. But thankfully, KI’s making good use of it and not having every new character be some regular old joe/jane human guy/girl. Season3 still has big promises roster wise, despite the guest characters we got. Hopefully that’s the last two cause if we get more guests this can spell trouble for both old and new characters.

I admit it’s awesome to bring in new comers with these guys, but I feel like it becomes cheap if you have too many, and that it can satisfy some outside fanfiction fantasy at the cost of developing and growing the native roster.COUGH,COUGH MKX, COUGH SOUL-CALIBUR 4, COUGH WEEZE

still I digress:

Let’s not be so harsh with returning characters on this one ok? there’s plenty of room for old and new characters to come back this season.

TLDR: Eyedol should get in and I think the community should support one another into having a roster than make as many folks as possible happy with it. Someone obviously will not like it and may want a new character but when you consider that so long as we do not have any more guests there’s no reason we can’t have new characters along with some old favorites to return.

That’s my two cents.


We all know Gargos is coming back. That much is obvious. What we don’t know is how exactly he’ll be coming back. Will he only be in the background of the story? Will he be an unplayable boss character? Or will he be a playable character like everyone else? This is what we don’t know, but want to know, and will more than likely find out soon enough. :wink:

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I’m sure there’s a reason we’ll have a playable Gargos. Look at Aria, she’s the final boss in some form, but she’s playable to.

Gargos can be the same: he’s the final boss but playable and we’ll likely have different versions for either:

perhaps the boss version hits harder and has a bit more damage resistence. even simple changes can make or break something.

However I caution that all I’m doing is speculating

Yeah I think it’ll be a shock if he doesn’t return, especially with Kim Wu straight up saying she’s fighting him in the trailer. I kinda like the idea of a huge boss that you don’t get to play as. But then that seems kinda like a waste. You beat the story and it’s over… you never see him again… huge hulking gargoyle monster playable may be great. Aganos, Tusk, Arbiter, we’re getting a few giants these days.

I want Tusk and Kim Wu to meet and be buddy buddy partners to go kick Gargo’s ■■■.

I want Kim Wu to teach Tusk about the modern world and let a bunch of hijinks ensue.

[quote=“BigBadAndy, post:361, topic:5424”]
Yeah, so what people are talking about is if you use a cheat stick like Chronus Max, etc. to get it recognized as a normal X1 controller, then the triggers don’t work correctly. The TE2 makes it easy to swap buttons by rewiring, but I agree with you - this shouldn’t be necessary.
[/quote]I have a cronusmax, & on PC my TE2 works fine. The trick is to have the cronusmax output reading as a 360 controller. Then you don’t have to worry about rewiring buttons or anything.

Yeah I’m confident we’ll see Gargy in some form. But so many people are assuming that he’ll be playable.
It’s possible, but not yet confirmed.

That would be cute and all, but I’d rather see Tusk join the Aganos/Thunder wrecking crew. I bet Tusk could identify with Aganos quite a bit.

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The thing is, why would you model a character, give them a full moveset with auto-doubles and linkers, and not let them be playable. In IG’s words, “Why spend so much time and effort on something that players won’t be able to have access to?” @rukizzel please correct me if this has never been said.

If Gargos is in the game, which seems very likely given Season 2’s story and Omen being the Herald of Gargos, why wouldn’t he be playable?

maybe Gargos is simply a plot device

That’s what I’ve been thinking. Like I said on some other threads, he can be defeated in some way before he gets out of the portal*. Is that nice? No. Is that possible? Yes. Until we have a development image/dev confirmation/trailer/leak I’m not taking him for granted at all since after the 3 stage news I’ve learned to not build expectations about something we think might be granted.

*(Imagine like “While Kim Wu fights Kan Ra, Tusk grabs Kan Ra’s magic book and stabs it with his sword. The portal closes. Gargos is defeated… for now” PLOT TWIST!)

Seems like a huge waste to make so much build up to what is basically the reason by some character’s major motivations and waste it on it just being a plot device.

I’ll be honest with you, I had this feeling after IG said they were not gonna do Ultimates. After much salt for awhile and muc pushing, and finally reading a few posts, it seemed pretty certain IG was not gonna act upon giving every other character equal ground by not giving them Ultimates.

In this sense, I’ve come to condlude that yes, not everything is going to be granted and not everything about this game will be perfect.

So while we can expect IG to never do anything with Ultimates, with characters though, that is a different story. They hint that Gargos is coming by a huge margin in season2, they hardly ever hinted Ultimates and likely were not interested in doing them. We can expect Gargos to be the final boss in season3.

When it comes to certain things, IG will often make it obvious on what they want to do in season3 whenever they can show it. For all we know they may even surprise us wit the roster, but as many wiser folks said before me: Stay Tuned…

(Also that plot twist is the absolute worst ever, lol it’s SOOO anti-climatic, like a villain who goes down with one bullet before he can do any real harm which its my points not just with Gargos debate, but Ultimates, and characters, etc.: Why make the effort to prep ANYTHING if you’re not gonna do it at all? )

Hahaha I know right! It was the most ridiculous thing I could come up with. But remember Fant4stic (2015 movie [what the Gargos, they write the name like that]) the super mega villain lasts a few minutes.
I’m not saying I’d like that to happen or anything, in fact I’d love to have him in the game, as well as Eyedol (despite one being hinted and the other not), but I feel now like creating expectations about anything we don’t have control over can be frustrating, like everyone is expecting a Vampire character that may or may not have been hinted but there is no assurance it will come. Imagine it doesn’t at the end of S3. Can you see the threads already? “Where is the vampire character?”.
Thing is, I’m sticking with things IG promises us from now on, if anything has more than a way to end up like, I prefer to stay neutral and hope they do the right thing COUGHshadowmovesCOUGH.


They have doggedly refused to confirm Gargos. I agree that if he appears as a boss he will be playable. I’m not sure who said it or when but it was made clear a while ago that a non-playable boss character wasn’t in the cards.

But they confirmed Kim-Wu and Tusk quite some time ago and have not yet confirmed Gargos. So who knows? If you asked me to put money on it, I would guess that he will be a character in S3. But until it’s confirmed, I wouldn’t say for sure.