Killer Instinct Lobby planning (19th December)

I think others can invite people.

I added you I can invite others too.

PRE STREAM EGG SANDWICH HYPE! Edit: just for ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  and giggles we should invite high level players like Max or HK Smash and see if they actually join. xD

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If Max joins,the world will end because of all the hype.

Thatā€™s good to know - just in case weā€™re missing players - weā€™ll probably start with a couple/a few of us and people can filter in and out as they wish. See you guys soon.

Anyone want to do practice sets?

I wonā€™t be able to join guys. Gotta work a 9 hr Night Shift. Sorry for those who wanted to play! Maybe Next Time. Have fun guys!

40 minutes ladies and gents!

Sorry dudes, I canā€™t make it either. :crying_cat_face:
Got some family here that Iā€™m having an early Christmas with. Iā€™ve got to spend the time with them while I can.

So sad I canā€™t join. ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  lobby disconnects. I am so pissed right now.

Sorry for the sudden disconnect guys, my internet suddenly decided to stop working. Iā€™m gonna take a break and come back in a few hours. Till then!

It was good to play a few matches with forum people rather than just randoms.

Two problems I had with it though were the fact that Lobbies kept being separated by the system, and that with so many people in the chat we ended up having a lot of people all talking over each other at once and about several different topics. I kept my mic muted most of the time simply because I wasnā€™t going to try to shout over people, even to my current opponent or about the match I was watching.

Just something to keep in mind for the future.

Iā€™ll try to put up some Sightless fanart later tonight. With appropriate captions.

Maybe You, @Marbledecker, @STORM179, and I can play sometime over the Christmas week?

Marble & Storm, would you be ok with that?


I think I can play too. Oh wait I always disconnect in lobbies. Nevermind:(

What a great time!!! I absolutely had a blast! Yeah the lobbies split and a lot of mic volume discrepanciesā€¦but overall it was great!

I cant wait for the next one! I hope we can keep it forum friends onlyā€¦that 1st lobby ended up with non forum players and they were really trying to make it a bit too competitive.

Till next time! GGā€™s SKelatal, Zantex, GG, RGL, Sightless, StugLife, and everyone else!

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Iā€™m game. Iā€™m basically off for the rest of the year (only have to work on Tuesday), so I should be around.

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GG guys! Iā€™ll have all the matches I recorded posted ASAP!

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Nope, Iā€™m 31 years old, mate. :wink:

@SightlessKombat, @FallofSeraphs76, @RGLOfficial, @xSkeletalx, and others:

Great matches, guys! Despite the numerous disconnects in the beginning, I actually was able to have quite a few stable lobbies tonight with 4 or less people (yes, I was actually able to handle a lobby of 4 - for hours, I might add).

I felt bad about smashing RGL to bits, but he did ask to see my Aganosā€¦ I think he set himself up to fail though, because he was afraid before he ever went into the fight. That being said, RGL, you werenā€™t bad at all - not by a long shot. :wink:

I was particularly happy about beating Skeletal - that was something I didnā€™t think was going to happen based upon my previous experiences with fighting him. It only happened once, but thatā€™s more than enough for me when it comes to Skeletal. :skull:

Stug, Fall, Sightless, Ziarist, and Master Z-whatā€™s-his-name all fought bravely, but in the end, fell to my golemā€™s mighty blows time and time again. Still, Iā€™m sure it was good practice for them overall, and there wasnā€™t a single complaint in the house from a single 1 of them. I hope you guys learned something! :slight_smile:

When all was said and done, I left 1 lobby with 11/1 and a 2nd lobby with 9/11 (most of those losses were incurred while NOT playing as the almighty mountain man), with a total of 21/12 - so overall, not a bad night of fun! I canā€™t wait until we do this again! :sunglasses:

@TheNinjaOstrich, @Fwufikins, @Sasuke99I, @WebNRaGNarOk, @MarbleDecker, @Storm179, and others who werenā€™t present for this event:

Wish you guys couldā€™ve made it - it was a heck of a lot of fun. Maybe next time, guys. Until then, game on! :video_game:

I re-echo the sentiments of those whoā€™ve participated in what Iā€™d like to think of as my half of the event, such as it was - GGā€™s to all players. Appologies for the non-private nature of the lobby, thatā€™s easy enough to fix, as I later discovered - this was the first time Iā€™d worked with lobby creation. Microphone discrepancies are harder to solve, but sorry to anyone who felt shouted down by the rest - I hope I speak for the rest in saying that it is unintentional.

Also, I have some match footage that I will post up when I have the chance.

It was suggested by one of the pllayers - I forget who, to turn this into a weekly event. I wouldnā€™t always be around to organise things myself, but who would be up for that - Saturdays seem to be convenient for most people, but if the date needed to be shifted on a week-by-week basis that could be noted in the thread as well. What does everyone think of this as an idea? I could probably run next weekā€™s one if we have enough peopleā€¦

Again, good games, thanks very much to all those who showed up. I wonā€™t be able to play any more today, but I hope to play against you all soon.

If Iā€™ve learnt one thing Galactic, itā€™s not to face your Aganos whereever possibleā€¦ :smiley:
Jokes asside, I did get quite close to winning a couple of times, so it is doable. If you donā€™t mind having an Aganos training session at some point, thatā€™d be much appreciated - thereā€™s things Iā€™m not using that I want to know how to use (peacemaker for example) and just really want to improve with him now I have walls pretty much down.

Also, youā€™re thinking of @MasterZenek if Iā€™m not mistaken.

I can probably do it most weekends, since I rarely go out and, as a teacher, I obviously donā€™t work then (like ever). The only concern is my connection, for obvious reasons. Though, if our last meet-up was any indication, I can do okay (assuming I have the right arrangement of people with devent connection speeds) with up to 4 people, so itā€™s at least worth trying, or considering me for hosting side-lobbies, if the primary 1 gets too full. I was able to play in a lobby with Ziarist, Master Z, and Sightless Kombat with no networking problems whatsoever (although I wasnā€™t hosting at the time) - I wish that happened more often. :confused:

As for the training session, @SightlessKombat, Iā€™d be more than happy to do it. Just let me know when youā€™d like to do it when Iā€™m online, like always. :wink:

As for ze Z Master - thanks for the reminder! I couldnā€™t recall his name to save my life. @MasterZenek, my apologies for not being able to remember your gamertag - that being said, you were awesome to fight! :blush: