Killer Instinct header

I’m on the mobile site, and the “Killer Instinct” on the header is gone. When you clicked on it it took you back to the main forum page. I was just wondering if this was just me or if it was done intentionally? It was helpful.

Looks like it is gone. We made some changes, but it looks like it affected mobile in a non-friendly way. Thanks for pointing this out.

Oh alright then, no problem. Thanks for your hard work!

Not a problem. Got it sent off to the web team. We honestly need to do a complete once-over of all the site CSS, but for now we are plugging holes, and creating new ones at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol well that’s understandable. I feel like that’s a guarantee in any type of programming :wink:

Awwwww yeaaaaaa. The header is back, and looking even snazzier and cooler than before in fact lol

Not a problem! Enjoy that mobile browsing.