Tell me about it… Shadow lords campaign is pretty cool though, you get to try out a bunch of characters, you should check it out.
Guess I’ll fiddle with that in the meantime : P Learn the game a bit
as of 3:17 AM 3/8/2017 Eastern, definitive edition still not unlocking characters - all I can play is Jago from Shadow Lords, Kilgore from rotation, and ARIA from buying her months ago
3:47 PM now, only change is that now I can play Tusk instead of Kilgore due to the rotation change @rukizzel @developers
same here ^
Saaaame, I hope we’re not gonna have to wait much longer.This is the first time something like this happened to me.
My Jago skills are gonna be through the roof when this goddamned patch finally hits…
I have the same issue. Looks like these guys have gotten a tremendous amount of our money without giving any of us what we payed for. I understand things happen but you would think that alone would fund them well enough to sort this out.
Microsoft support was so useless for me too. I ended up chatting with three different people and having to describe my problem three different times and each of them repeatedly kept asking me to do stuff to my console. I had to shout at one of them in all caps to get them to see I do not have a console. I downloaded a Windows game. From within this windows game I purchased an upgrade bundle. If it is required that I have an Xbox for this to work than someone is severely guilty of false advertisement. For that is never stated anywhere and in fact the contrary is implied.
One thing I noticed in my case is that in my library in my app store (I use PC only of course) I have two instances of Killer Instinct showing up. One will launch the free game. The other claims that my device is not compatible, which is absurd. The free download runs beautifully on my PC. I wonder if this is related to this issue. I surpass the hardware requirements (my processor is short there listed clock speed by less than 10MHz but it is an i7-6700HQ used frequently in gaming PC). I hope maybe this is useful information.
I know the developers must be working diligently to resolve this issue but with all of these unsatisfied paying customers on hold I think it would be very wise for one of them to take a few minutes to post some relevant information on here to us. The only thing worse than waiting is waiting in the dark. Just saying…
I’m on day seven my dude, and yeah Microsoft store is absolutely useless, I spent over two hours on he phone being transferred to five people. all of which insisted on me restarting my P/c. when I asked to escalate this to the complaint department I was hung up on. At this point it’s a matter of patience with the server sync issue, cause help isn’t an option.
As I stated in the above posts, At least we have the shadow lord campaign which gives you the ability to play a hand full of the characters as you progress the storyline.
I mean, that second KI in your library /isn’t/ compatible; it’s the xbox app not the windows app.
I wondered about that. That kind of goes towards my false advertisement accusation though. I downloaded a Windows 10 game. I read the description from within the game of what all was included in the Definitive Edition bundle. I thought " Cool, I want that". I bought it. It doesn’t say anywhere that it is for Xbox one (Apart from the classic titles).
I’m also about a week in now with this issue so I don’t really feel like defending them, but it clearly says in the store description; “Killer Instinct Classic 1 & 2 for Xbox One”. Everything else works on PC as far as I can see.
Its normal that Killer Instinct shows up two times in your library. One is the PC version and the one stating “doesn’t work on this device” is the xbox one version. I hope @rukizzel can confirm that they’re still working to fix this…
Be patient, its worth it.
It also says that in the description when you look in the store within the game…I’m trippin I guess.
I will edit my previous statement. thank you for correcting me.
Instead of letting my nerve do the talking and bitching a lot, can you please give us a proper statement about what is going on ?
I do not own a Xbox I bought Killer instinct for Windows 10 then bought the Definitive Edition. So far, It did NOT unlocked the character, it is this way for 3-4 days but it appears it is the same for others for 7 days.
At least, your billing is top notch and process a payment perfectly. Fine.
Can you tell us about the unlocking process and the account update ?
@rukizzel any news/updates on this?
Just got definitive version on Win10. Saw some reviews giving it one star because of this issue and had hoped it wouldn’t happen to me since I really wanted to play. I buy it and then I don’t have the characters even if I launch it from the definitive version menu itself. I don’t know how Microsoft is allowed to get away with just outright scamming people like this, and it’s making me lose the last bit of respect I had for them.
Buy the game yesterday, and I have the same problem, I do not have any characters unlocked, this is very annoying, one spends money on something that one hopes to work, please someone something!
Day 8, Ain’t so great??!!?!!?!!
Who the ■■■■ wants to be patient when they spent 60$ on a free video game for characters to not get them. When you spend over two hours on the phone with microsofts third world call center to be told to restart your p/c 5 times, To be told a patch is being released five days ago, when obviously it wasn’t or we wouldn’t be bitching!
Same issue as everyone else… everything loaded up fine on my xbox, but only the characters i have purchased seperately have showed up on windows 10.