Killer Instinct Character Survey

As much as it kills me to say it, Eyedol is probably coming back. It doesn’t matter how much I hate him, it’s clear that a vast majority of people want him back #EyedolBurriedMe


I mean you know they can redesign him, making him amazing :cry: Im really trying to figure out why some people have strong hatred for him
(Not trying to be rude)




This is what i put in I would like to see better looking ultras perhaps more flashy hit effects just to give the ultras a bit more visual punch i did a vid here (only effect i can do) also i would love to see this hit counter font improved perhaps making the font more crazier the higher the hits go. Would love to see All play lobbies, option to play practice mode while waiting for a ranked or exhibition match. More victory quotes for characters, Shadow mode is a really great idea i think it could be expanded on though perhaps a tournament mode where you can fight against other shadows. Stages for Mira/rash etc, and lastly a connection quality/ping time display before starting a online match so if it looks really bad can leave without being penalized.

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I think the main dividing factor for Eyedol’s appeal is his 2 headed cyclops design. You either love it or hate it, and I hate it.
It doesn’t matter if they give him the best game play and combat design ever, the aesthetics of Eyedol are a permanent part of him and what turns many people on/off to him.

Alright that makes sense. Personally i like Eyedol because he was a cool boss, i loved his design, well i guess gameplay/new gameplay he will have. Idk all around i thought he was fierce AF


So Eyedol does for you as Mira does to me ’ 3 ’

to each their own really. But for some folks it’d pleas em’ especially since in your case there’s already several other characters who’d surely appease you.

Personally I like his design and I think it can be improved upon easily. Not too many characters with multiple heads. Aganos doesn’t count cause it’s multiple faces, not heads. Plus he does things different than what Eyedol can do.

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Stage transitions would be awesome. What do you think, guys? Like at the Jago’s stage: we could hit the opponent in the corner and throw him inside the temple. Imagine that at Hisako’s stage. Amazing…

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I’m all for unique characters in KI. Please no more guests.

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I may have been the only one who voted ultimates/ no mercy’s as a ‘1’ in terms of importance. I’d much rather see new colors and accessories for all the characters (especially Omen and Shadow Jago).


I know Roxy Rave turned into Orchid but, I still think it would be cool if she were her own character with a bo staff

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Hey Beto,

Shadow Lords is something unique. No doubt about it. If you weren’t interested in anything on the stream, it’s a bummer, but I get it. We only hope that you give it a shot.




Honestly, I hope it comes out just after EVO so that I don’t have to decide between practicing and Shadow Lords.

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Almost everything in this survey has come from stuff that we want to do or have noticed that you all may want. We’re definitely watching the colors, accessories and Ultimates with interest


All of those things would be awesome, but time and money. :slight_frown:


We’re still watching the votes come in. We’re going to really dig in after the holiday and we’ll share some of it with everyone when the time is appropriate.


So what’s shark TJ suppose to be?

I assume it’s meant as, a sharkman like character:

That has a similar, but not same, moveset as TJ, or is most akin to TJ out of the current cast.


He could be a backwards/forwards character.

I see now.