Killer Instinct 101: A new video series (NEW Nov 24 - Aria vid!)

Doing the humor is actually really tricky. Not because Geoff isn’t a funny guy, but because we’re trying to target a ton of different audiences. Even from the small feedback in this thread, you can see we have people wanting anywhere from no humor to more humor.

I like Geoff’s more risque/funny vids myself, but that’s probably not an audience we can cater to with this vid series.

One of the things we have to make clear is that this vid series is only a starting point for tech with the character… if we tried to cover everything possible, we would probably just quit (too much work/stress every week for us). Not very many people were really stepping up with visible content on Youtube for KI, whether it be match footage (which I really wish we had more of) or well-edited tech videos that weren’t just talking in front of a mic without cutting the dead time and stutters, so we’re trying to put together fun little “vignettes” for some interesting things we find and want to share.

To be honest it’s entirely possible future vids won’t even be this in-depth, because even though it might not look like it, this vid took a ton of work and we have to reassess whether we can afford the time to invest in this every week. I understand that it might feel a little unsatisfying to watch only around 1:30 of content and be kinda wanting more at the end, but we simply can’t be more exhaustive in our coverage without investing more time that we don’t really have. Geoff does the lion’s share of work on this project (recording the clips, cutting the video, synching it all up, making sure the script is funny, recording the voiceover, etc), and I need to make sure I have enough energy to do work on my guide come Season 3 time (which might very well kill me, lol).

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, just want to be a bit clearer about our intentions. :smile:


I took the time to sign up on this site just to say how much I appreciate his normal voice for the video. I watched a few of Geoff’s videos yesterday and couldn’t stand the silly voice. I’m just getting into KI and previously the whole video game streaming thing seemed really, really dumb to me and now I realize it’s because of the people that are trying too hard to be funny. None the less, I really enjoyed the video. Next up TJ Combo?

Don’t worry. I was laughing like crazy and then it was over. Seemed like a lot of work indeed. Good job.

Just want you to know that your having been involved in a video series, despite having previously stated that you probably won’t have the time, has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

I certainly appreciate the effort which went into the video, and even though I don’t play ARIA I thought the setups shown were pretty interesting. I will say I found Geoff’s voice and style very grating, and felt that the attempts at humor were more distracting than helpful to explain what was going on. Maybe my expectation of what I was going to see was incorrect, but the video just jumps straight into “do this,” rather than explaining “This is what a vortex is. Aria has a decent setup for a vortex, and here are the moves involved. Now let’s put them all together in a combo.”

I did feel like the body-switch, note about needing to move forward, and timing of the HK were well done, and necessary points to hit. The video just felt like it accelerated too rapidly, and then stopped abruptly.

I thought this one was the prefect mix of serious and humor…excellent job! I cant wait to try these Aria set ups! Thank you!

Well I practiced the Vortex and it works! But…the crouching Heavy kick after the launcher ender is hard to hit every time.
The level 1-2 ender were you walk forward and then crouch H kick is even harder! Definitely has to be muscle memory and no thinking.

The blade body set up is awesome too, I just have to get it int my muscle memory so im not thinking about it when its actually happening.

Thanks for the tips…looking forward to more!

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The walk forward thing isn’t too hard, you just need to watch for about “half a step” from Aria. Once you learn what the visual cue is, you should be able to hit it every time. For levels 3 and 4 you literally just mash cr.HK during the launcher ender and it’ll always work. To be honest, the awkward part of this setup is the combination of the dash, assist call, forward jump. The dash is actually kind of late, and if you input it too early you get nothing. Sometimes you won’t cleanly press back+HK for the assist call either and you’ll get sweep or something. And it takes a bit of practice to learn to delay “by a few frames” to make it really ambiguous. But practice it for a bit and once it’s in your muscle memory, it should be fine.

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I really enjoyed the video. It’s short and sweet! Rather many of these kinds of videos than 1 long for each character. I like to have something to look forward too every now and then. And the video makes me want to play the game and try the tech out. Longer with a lot of information would just overwhelm me and I would only end up watching it. And it would probably contain a lot of information most of us already know.

Enjoy the humor bits, good amount of them and not to cheese imo :smile:

I found it easier on my TE2 than with a controller, to be honest.
Also, as Infil said, it’s the delay of dash, etc. afterward that might even be trickier.

I have a fight stick… and guys,lol, if i say its hard, then for me, its hard…it doesn’t mean that its hard for everyone. Just because you say its not and that the dash is harder…doesn’t make it any easier.

Im still working on it though… I don’t have it down perfect…but my shadow is starting to attempt it at times.

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For the dash just input it as the grenades are hitting. Works every time. As for the sweep for a level 1 or 2 ender just hold forward during the ender, when you see aria start walking then casually do the crouching HK, casually as in don’t try to be super fast about it, that’s how I’ve always timed it.

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Thanks. I think you are one of the Aria experts on these boards. You probably have found many more ways to pull this off. :smile: