Kilgore rev mechanic

so i posted something similar about cinder fired up state and how the time of cooling down should be indicated by a meter. again i must say the rev mechanic is something that should be indicated as well.

any thoughts, views, and concerns are welcomed

IMO is not a bad thing for Kilgore not having a meter. The goal is make you work on the fly on what you have, not being cautious about a meter.


It makes a lot more sense for it to ***not be a meter for kilgore than it does for cinder. Kilgore’s body isn’t made of fire so it’s waaay easier to get a good idea of how much heat he has just by looking at him.

That being said, I do agree that for any system like this I would prefer a meter over having to eyeball things on a character model.

From my personal experience, you don’t spend a lot of time in just a reved state before you overheat. In fact, getting to the overheated point should probably be one of your big goals. Being on fire with Kilgore is much more noticeable than it is telling if Cinder is fired up. It’s fairly easy to see the heat building up on those chainguns.

Kilgore kinda seems to follow Eyedol’s philosophy but in a much more controlled and usually less crazy way. He keeps his distance till he overheats, then he tries to share the love with safe blanka ball and extra PD buildup on basically everything.

I’m guessing you meant that the other way around? XD

At least from your argument, I’d believe you also think cinder’s fired up state is much harder to visualize than kilgore’s heat level. And I’d be inclined to agree, from an early idea ^^

Yeah, typo. Whoops.

Aaah,now it makes sense!!