Kilgore does not have enough damage

This is like the third time this has a happened in 5 matches with him, and I gave him the highest damage boost nano-bots, yet still…

Kilgore does fine in SL. Just zone the AI out. It’s slow but it’s easy.

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But you lose if the time runs out…

Its Kilgore. Hes the Dan of the game. His GODLIKE combo does 14%.

Overheat, then do combos. Problem solved.


I don’t know how you can’t do much damage with him in SL. I play on challenging and abuse the hell out of the AI with overheated bullets and the missle ender. Usually doing those racks up 40-50% damage.

see problem is I was getting destroyed by Mira at close range (which is’nt uncommon) so I had to zone her out, in another fight it was a Kan-Ra that liked to jump a lot so I couldn’t cash out the burn damage easily. (he was also breaking pretty well)

With two bars Kilgore can deal +70% combos in one lockdown

Around 60% with one

Kilgore is really solid, no Dan or whatever

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If you want to damage with Kilgore, you have to use the overheat feature. The linker you used in the video does like no potential damage if you aren’t overheated, so use the blanka ball when not overheated. The trick is to rack up potential damage from afar, the get the confirm and cash it out. The only time you can legit rush down is by overheating first, and then still by picking your shots.