KI Novella

I was actually just thinking about this. I was imagining what a community fund Eagle would be like and I was picturing a character who is a fusion of Thunder and Fulgore in terms of animations/movements lol

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I don’t think Eagle will be shooting lasers out of his eyes and chest.

Who said he would? Animations and movements don’t necessarily mean special moves, they could be anything from from his jabs, kicks, how he jumps or simply how he walks.

I know but some people are thinking Eagle will be Fulgore exactly. Or “another Thunder” which is absurd.

Oh, I thought you were addressing me directly. I was about to say, I never said that lol. I think he could borrow some stuff from them, but obviously not an exact copy.

An example of a Eagle archetype who is NOT similar to Thunder or Fulgore

I’m calling it right now, all of these is leading up to Shadow Lords, as a prologue of sorts. And I have a feeling the last chapter will come out the same time the mode comes out.

The last chapter will probably end like this for sure…

To be continued…on Shadow Lords mode. Play to find out!

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Well if anyone’s noticed so far all theses chapters are BEFORE ARIA makes her strike on the night guard base in the mountains, if anyone remembers ARIA’s story in S2 where the riptor and fulgore units essentially beatdown orchid and company and are about to extingiuish them they are called back (also evidenced in orchid’s backstory). This part was the part where ARIA was going to capture them dead or alive and put them in the gel tanks.

But of course gargos’ presence is detected and ARIA calls back the units. So the guard is spared…for now.

Essentially ARIA’s story is the “last piece of the puzzle” and the most recent thing to happen right now. The rest was all a flashback so to speak.

So eagel was already taken, glacius has emerged, omen was in shadow form etc etc. Now the last act is about to commence.

As I’ve said time and time again. Ultratech is the key.


Is there a new chapter today?

I don’t think there are anymore all stories have led up to the gargos invasion. Idk what else they can’t they can do, except more tusk and Kim

Aww, that’s a shame, and I was just enjoying it as well

So I’ve been thinking about it. When/If Thunder is able to rescue Eagle I wonder what his reaction is going to be when he is awoken. They could go the obvious direction and have Eagle be forever grateful to his brother upon his rescue.

Or perhaps Eagle would be furious because of his big brother’s failure at protecting him. “Why did you let this happen to me? How come you didn’t protect me like you said you would? I thought you were my brother.” Ouch

Nah, we already have Mira and Maya as resentful sisters. IMO Eagle and Thunder will be cool


Maybe we’ll see Eagle’s body die, but Aganos take on Eagle’s conscious or spirit to let him live on; if Kan Ra dies, Aganos is kind of left without purpose.

Plus he’s already allied with Thunder, and it’d be a cool way for Eagle to return and fight alongside Thunder again.

Whats the pinnacle response? Has queen ARIA said anything about that or in general? Or did i miss it?

Noone knows. That and she still has to be "ryat’s last hidden “treasure.” " Whatever that is.

Hmmm :neutral_face:

I was assuming “Pinnacle Response” is just ARIA’s cool name for her masterplan of fighting Gargos and becoming humanity’s hero.


Well, I’m sure it’s some grand orchestra.

Aria’s Pinnacle Response: