KI Music Videos

So now what are your thoughts on the possibility of as well as potential for Killer Instinct music videos? Music videos for Killer Instinct? What do you guys think about music videos for each of the KI characters? For every one in the ENTIRE current KI cast/roster? How exactly can these ideas be implemented for AND into the KI music videos? Would they be live-action? CGI animation? Or a mixture of both even?

Please feel free to share your ideas and suggestions as well as inputs on how YOU would be able to implement them for AND into the Killer Instinct music videos :slight_smile:

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Something I want to see…

Every character’s themes becoming AMV episodes. Basically a non dialogue based series going in the order of all three seasons, where every track is its own episode, but in a consistent way so that you can still tell a plot is going on. Think Daft Punk’s Interstella 5555, but with KI.

Heck even episodes based around Warrior’s Journey, The Instinct, and The Way You Move Remix could also have little segments.

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