KI - Mod on PC and Xbox One/X like Skyrim

The right Killer Instinct future?..
It’s just that who has supported the game over the years has the same chances as those who play on the PC.
I do not want to be discriminated just because I’m playing on consoles.


"Dunque è notizia dell’ultimo momento! Arriva conferma che KI approderà su STEAM scollegato da W10, significa che praticamente tutti potranno giocarlo!
non è ancora ben chiaro se il server di steam per KI sarà collegato ai possessori di Xbox e PC W10 in modo da creare una piattaforma online unica, perchè questo significherebbe un ulteriore enorme incremento dei giocatori online.
Ma in realtà non è questa la notizia che ha fatto tremare tutti, bensì i rumor riguardo all’ingresso delle mods in KI in conseguenza del suo approdo su steam…
le mods potrebbero rendere il gioco sostanzialmente come Skyrim, dunque soggetto ad ogni tipologia di contenuto aggiuntivo sviluppato dai fan, significa tante belle cose!!! significa costumi nuovi, riproduzioni fedelissime dei retro, possibilità di tanti nuovi stage e retro stage, le vecchie colonne sonore al posto delle nuove, insomma, finalmente non sarebbe più la IG la nostre fonte di KI ma tutti noi!
Ma restano da capire alcune cose:

  • è possibile moddare KI?
  • se moddato, KI consentirà il gioco online, o meglio sarà possibile garantire delle mod legit che non alterino il gameplay rovinando così l’esperienza in multy?
  • e cosa ancor più importante, noi possessori di Console, saremmo tagliati fuori da questa nuova possibilità o KI sarà il terzo dopo Skyrim e Fallout a rendere le mods disponibili su console?
    Certo resta da dire che se i server saranno collegati, con steam, allora ci si potrebbe imbattere in lottatori o situazioni moddate anche su console e W10.
    Ancora molti punti da chiarire, per cui restiamo in attesa di chiarimenti."


KI currently doesn’t have a modding community on PC. Just because it gets a steam release doesn’t mean there will be mods. There are tons of games on steam that never got any mods.
Especially new stages and characters are very, very unlikely…

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I thought It’s be best to run that through a translator:

this is not the news that made everyone tremble, but the rumors about the entry of mods in KI as a result of its landing on steam …
The mods could make the game basically like Skyrim, therefore subject to any kind of additional content developed by fans, means so many beautiful things !!! It means new costumes, lofty retro backdrops, the possibility of many new stage and back stage, the old soundtracks in place of the new ones, in short, finally not the IG our KI source but all of us!
But a few things still remain to be understood:

  • can I modify KI?
  • if modified, KI will allow online gaming, or better will it be possible to guarantee legit mods that will not alter the gameplay thus ruining the multy experience?
  • and most importantly, we Console owners, would we cut off this new chance or KI will be the third after Skyrim and Fallout to make the mods available on consoles?
    Of course it remains to say that if the servers are connected, with steam, then you could encounter wrestlers or situations moddate even on consoles and W10.
    There are still many points to clarify, so we are waiting for clarification. "

I can’t weight for Mods we will finally get the Costume that we deserve but was denied because Politics can’t weight for True Classic Thunder and KI2 Orchid but I do hope Mod’s come to console this would be the best

I don’t see mods ever being officially supported.

There is no way they’d willingly allow content that they have already deemed to be inappropriate such as Orchid’s KI 2 outfit or the true classic Thunder costume and that kind of stuff is the first thing that modders would go for.

the mod scene is a self-organized community effort by PC gamers. I don’t see how it discriminates console players when they can’t use them. it’s not like this is part of the product policy of the publisher.