KI Gold Treaure Hunt Quest

So there’s been a few different iterations of the idea of a Treasure Hunt in Shadow Lords. Looking for cultist’s daggers, ancient relics, Eyedol fragments, etc. Well, I had an idea for a treasure hunt that involves a treasure most shiny.

See, I fought a Shadow today in SL and he offered to “lend me his power”, and gave be Shadow Points. The Daily Rewards also added KI Gold as a login incentive. So now we can earn different types of currency by just playing the game. It got me thinking…
What if there was a rare, long form quest to search for some Pirate Treasure or El Dorado or something, where the reward is a pile of KI Gold?

Now, you might be thinking: "Okay. That’s a cool idea. But how would we balance something that has some actual monetary value as a quest reward?"
I’ve got some ideas for different applications, theoretical straw man.

-Rarity. Coming across such a quest should be unexpected to say the least. If you come across it, you’ll be rather lucky.

-Difficulty. Perhaps just making the enemy guarding the chest a nightmare to deal with could warrant the reward. An Armored Lvl5 Bastion may be a good start if we’re feeling really sadistic, but should probably be reserved for Godlike. Still, a big bad at the end of a long quest, maybe even with a unique power.

-Scaling Reward. Perhaps the longer the quest chain, the bigger the reward. Perhaps there could be a huge number of different outcomes based on your decisions. Or higher rewards for greater difficulties. Like 100 Gold or so on Normal and maybe up to 200 or 300 for Godlike.

Just a few ideas. Honestly I just think it’d be a hella cool idea to implement with he new rewards system we got. What do y’all think?