Kevbones10 Appreciation Post

Nobody know what’s going on. But you are still guilty about it… :wink:

Yeah sorry for bad joke. Lol


It’s early but I’m calling it - this will be my favorite post of the day :thumbsup:

And Kev’s my absolute favorite Arbiter to watch and play against. When he hits you it’s legit scary - you’re basically just like “crap, he touched me - I’m hosed!” :joy:

Great run at the Cup man :slight_smile:


I share this same way of thinking. I ran across him in ranked and he gave my Kan-Ra a ■■■■ SPRINT for his money. The games were soooo close! I don’t know how I was able to even take a lifebar, let alone make the set 1-2.
Truly amazing Arbiter, truly amazing player.
Thanks for the great sets and fun times Kev.

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Does someone have KIWC footage of any of his matches by any chance? Been searching YouTube like forever (I’ve seen KIT…)

Someday ppl are going to cheer me on like kev mang. :sob:


“Someone already does” pats you on the back

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He played on stream during the LCQ’s. I still haven’t managed to watch it all, but I believe the Domi match was in the first or second LCQ near the end of the bracket, so you can scrub through that way if you want.

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You can watch the stream archive. It’s there somewhere. While you’re at it, you can watch my matches too! :smiley:

@KevBones10 is definitely on my list to be Zenyatta in Real Life :wink:

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Hey man, you did great too!

Man i try. This kevs thread. I’m just here to appreciate him like the rest of us.

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Who wants to make a national KevBones10 day? It’s a thing that needs to happen


Let’s make it happen!


Oh hell yeah!

Thanks. Found it. Great set of matches (yours too).