Kamen Rider themed character for KI

Any kind of justice-hero character would be great, along the lines of Skullomania or May Lee from KOF, but I wonder if that might be a harder sell for a game like KI that’s western-made and primarily played by western audiences.

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Well seeing how the new Power Rangers movie is on the horizon, they could do a release near that time in S4, seeing how Cinder was near that lackluster Fantastic Four film, ARIA for Age of Ultron, and Riptor in time for Jraasic World.

So Kamen Rider Kuuga?

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Kuuga would also be a worthy candidate for inspiration, him being the beginning of the Modern Heisei era after all.

KR Kabuto & KR Faiz EPIC


Kamen Rider God of the Showa era.

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So now I take it that Masked Rider was based on and at the same time was the extended Western/North American version of the original Japanese version of that particular Kamen Rider TV series, yes? :wink:


yep. Overall Kamen Rider franchise was supposed to be an adult series but ended up being a kids tokusatsu.


Masked Rider was the American version of Kamen Rider Black RX(continuation of Kamen Rider Black). By American version, I mean removing everything and changing the story completely and just use some footage.


That film dude…

Still can’t get over the fact a Kamen Rider pulled a Fatality move on one of the villains.

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A speed character can be the perfect addition to that.


A character based on speed would have to be a rushdown type right? Could they generate air/wind?


Kamen Rider Kabuto can work perhaps. He starts the match in heavy form. Instinct happens and Cast Off. 2nd instinct activation equals Hyper Form. Wow. 2 different instincts. 1 for first time and 2nd for the second,

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Maybe an attack where they can jump in the air, then have a small hurricane launch them into a dive kick


There’s also Faiz Axel form & Accel’s Trial form.

In instinct mode there’ll be a timer until reached zero.


Spawn spawn spawn spawn yeah did I mention spawn needs to be the next guest character and with the green mimic visuals it so could work

I’d be interested in seeing this fight.


Jago can perfect Kiva with both hands at his back. Mira vs Kiva could be fair.

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Kiva: "Break the Chai…OOMPH!"
Jago: “Tiger Fury!!!”
(Uppercuts Kiva)

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I am a Ryuki fanboy in a way so I want Ryuga vs Shadow Jago.

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