Joanna Dark Season3 Bonus Character

Yeah, that game tried to rely on the nostalgia of the first game as a selling point but it fell flat in literally every regard. If there was a single game I wish I could wipe from the face of existence, that would be near the top of my list.

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I played it some, mostly for the multiplayer though. My brother & I had Goldeneye though.

Anyway, as far as game story/plot/ whatever I never got through the campaigns for either PD or PD0.

But give me a Temple stage with proxy mines and Iā€™m all over it.

As far as putting Joanna in KI, if they make her fun to play as, sureā€¦why not? Personally I could see her doing some gunkata ala Equilibrium.

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I played the game for years having friends over in the weekend, four controllers, bags of chips, cokes, huge part of my teens, good times.

AlsoI want that labtop gun in KI :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I always put the proxy mines on ceilings in the narrow corridors (nobody ever looks up for some reason) and under the doors and ammo crate spawn points.

ā€¦yeah, Iā€™m a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Iā€™d call you smart :sunglasses:

Survival of the fittest, right?

If you cant be bothered to look up, you have no roght to live :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@CrazyLCD Can u imagine what that is to fight against someone who do nothing than bullet shoot and jump as arbiter and now u need another one??? ugh??? Momma THIS LCD is goin CRAZY help pleaseā€¦


Scorpion for bonus characters and only he. we donā€™t need more guests.
like it or not , mortal kombat is much more famous than killer instinct; KI is starting now , because of all that time with no new games. most of my friends had never had any contact with the game. So put in KI the most iconical character of MK is a way to raise the popularity of the game.

I donā€™t now, itā€™s my opnion. And sorry for bad english guys kkk

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Joanna Dark? Thatā€™s a tough one.

Based on Mira and Mayaā€™s faces, I say YES.
Based on Tusk and Kimā€™s faces, I say NO.
So I guess thatā€™s a ā€œmaybeā€?

Based on Kan Ra and Fulgoreā€™s continuous balancing, I say yes.
Based on Kan Ra and Fulgoreā€™s never ending balancing, I say NO.
So I guess thatā€™s another ā€œmaybeā€?

Just include her in season 3 and then wrap it up. Maybe.

I donā€™t want KI to be dependent on guests. This is why I often prefer it if they actually gave us charters that they can come up with.

However Iā€™ll be happy for those fans if she makes it.

Retro Joanna Dark thatā€™s literally her N64 model: low polygon, photograph face and all


They did bring us new and interesting characters, stop acting like they didnā€™t.

Nobody is saying there shouldnā€™t be new original characters nor that half the cast should guest characters.

A Battletoad and Joanna were top choices people wanted those 2, not just as guests but as official members of the KI cast.

He may not be ā€œcanonā€ but we have Rash, we should get Joanna too.

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I actually put her dead last in my vote. But all things considered Iā€™m not so bothered by her inclusion anymore, I just hope sheā€™s balanced out cause I know sheā€™ll be a gun shooting character like Stryker and Dante from their respective fighting games: Both a pain in the ā– ā– ā–  who are also spammy.

But considering the Arbiter has limited ammo in zoning Iā€™m fairly confident IG can make a balanced gun-slinging character. Something NS and Capcom have yet to achieve.

Dante in UMvC3 is ā€œspammyā€ with his guns?

Thatā€™s how I remember her, I always thought she had a tomboyish quality. Kinda shocked me when they released later games and she was some sexual icon all of a sudden.

I had totally forgotten what she looked like. All those Goldeneye enemies were hilarious.

She fits right in thenā€¦

Iā€™m ok with Joanna being in KI, but not this season. 3 should be the limit & I kinda wish MS come forth & say ā€œdonā€™t worry KI fans guest characters will never exceed 3 a season. We want to grow the KI lore because that is more important to usā€. Or something to that effect.

All this arguing about KI turning into smash gets old reading it day after day because MS/IG have done a great job with all the guests we have gotten so far.

Well mot players whom Iā€™ve come across did nothin but shoot guns and stay way off in the back. A similar experience Iā€™ve also had with stryker is people just sit back and shoot with the pistol. I hope Joanna Dark will be balanced in a way where playrs canā€™t pick up that habit. Stryker being one of the only few things I hated about MK9 and Danteā€™s one of the different reasons I hated MVC3 so much.

The issue really is bullet projectiles are fast and sometimes very hard to see depending on what the devs do. Itā€™s safe to assume Joannaā€™s bullets will be difficult to see and will be one of the fastest projectiles in the game, much like the Arbyā€™s carbine.

Basically if she does get in the game I hope itā€™s done in a way where players who use her donā€™t waaay back and spam bullets, at least not without consequences.

Best suggestion is give her set ups and abilities with the said weapons or tools or something. Not sure how theyā€™ll make it work. But yeah I donā€™t want her to be another Stryker or Dante

She could use the Falcon2, Poxemity mines, and the Laptop gun (like a minion but stays in place and shoots projectiles)