Jago's face unmasked

Isn’t that his face?

It’s a placeholder face

Oh yeah?

meaning not his real face


If the next game shows up, I wanna see his mask removed. They need to do something about Jago’s face.

Liek this…

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As an alternate, sure. But definitely not as his default.

What of cutscenes if he wants to remove his mask? That includes in the movie/TV/web series.

If he wants to, then fine. Just not always off

You know I 'm kinda wondering if Shago might also have this same face. I mean who knows…he might be somewhat akin to Mileena and have something a lot more hideous underneath.


I don’t count that face because that’s a placeholder.

Placeholder or not it’s what he has right now.

Can anyone get his hit confirmed faces like everyone when they double over or lean back from a barrage of hits?
If his eyes and brow show emotion then that’s a fully modeled face.

They should remake Jago’s face. He’ll still wear a mask. But give him a proper unmasked look.

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I still think that they just gave him a generic face for this game since it probably wasn’t in the plans for him to be unmasked.

This one looks alright.

If IG take his mask off will he die?

Joke aside, i am positive some day, maybe not far from now, there will be mods for this game, or the ability to mod it.
It has to since you know eventually someone will pull the plug.

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I think Jago’s accessories (masks) is proof that they intended to show his face at one point.

Though honestly I think his face should always be covered, when he takes his mask off he should have a big gnarly beard so thick you can only see his eyes.

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Now that you mention it, I wonder if there’s been any updates about modding in the pc version.