Injustice 2


The super was surprisingly

Dr.Fate looks neat/annoying

Dr Fate as a comic book character doesn’t interest me at all. As a character in Injustice he looks alright, but not spectacular. He seems like the sort of annoying Black Adam style quick ranged attacker that is very annoying to fight against in an NRS game without a block button
 but we’ll see.

Just to be clear, I don’t expect to be in love with every character in the game, so the fact that this one doesn’t appeal to me is not an attack on the game.

No Nightwing

*Sigh *

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Dr. Strange look amazing in gameplay! :smiley:


Lol. He is similar with books and magic, yes.

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But Fate came out in 1940 while Strange came out in 1963. One can’t play Jenga, the other’s dad is dead.


A bit of Poison Ivy concept art.
Hopefully we will see some of this in-game.


We still got robin and batman.

It might come in as gear.

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It’s not the same though.
It’s like saying you want Reptile in the next Mortal Kombat, and then go “Hey, we still got Scorpion and Sub-Zero”
 they’re different characters, they play differently, they look different
 their storylines are connected, but that’s about it.

This is what I’m hoping. ^^

You do have a point.

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[quote=“TheIncubusLord, post:914, topic:11074, full:true”]
It’s not the same though.
It’s like saying you want Reptile in the next Mortal Kombat, and then go “Hey, we still got Scorpion and Sub-Zero”
 they’re different characters, they play differently, they look different
 their storylines are connected, but that’s about it.[/quote]

Ha! Dude, this is why I don’t get you. Reptile is the OG clone character who later was given some unique moves and a back story and was further fleshed out in later games. But IG releases a “remix character” that plays in a completely new manner and even has some background reasoning worked into its existence from the beginning and you’re disappointed.

^Please read the above in a lighthearted, brotherly manner. It isn’t meant to be mean spirited. I just literally laughed when I read that after our back and forth last night.

Back on topic: I am letting go of some of my NRS prejudice and starting to get excited about this again. I absolutely love that Dr. Fate was confirmed and, after I got over my whining and hypocrisy about a few Ermac recycles, I am reasonably happy about I2 again.

Difference is, Reptile became his very own character. I am still iffy about the MK ninjas still clutching onto the palette-swap look, but ALL other aspects of them evolved to become their own individual selves. Ermac is possible the character who has gone completely away from being a red palette-swap MK ninja, and that’s awesome!

However, Shin Hisako is still Hisako. She’s not a new person
 She is the same character, but a different version of her. Like Ryu and Evil Ryu. Jago and Shadow Jago
 they’re not two different persons, they are the same person who are just changed because of circumstances.

You see the difference, right?

Kilgore is different though as he is supposed to be another “person” than Fulgore, but in the same sense as Decapre is different from Cammy
 they still share the same model, they still share some moves and animations, they’re not UNIQUE from one another.

Reptile still has some remnants from when he was a green Scorpion, but over the course of the series, Reptile has become his very own self. Shin Hisako won’t be her own unique self from Hisako, because they are the same person
 and having both of them on the roster seems like a waste of space.

Nightwing however has ALWAYS been unique from any other character. Grayson started out as Robin, but he was the FIRST Robin, he was an original character! And he evolved into Nightwing when he left the role as Batman’s sidekick behind. Grayson has always been unique, Nightwing has always been unique. Any Robin that came after
 they’re the “clones”. Sure, some of them became unique as well as they also left the Robin role, but that doesn’t change they all shared the same theme when they were Robin. The theme that Grayson started.

Do you follow my train of thought here, or does it still seem out there?

 I mean, I understand where you’re coming from but I guess I don’t agree with the end conclusion or the importance you’re placing on “differentiated characters” as figures within lore.

However, I do understand the difference you draw for Reptile and that is understandable, compared to your issues with Shin Hisako.

I feel we will ultimately have to agree to disagree on this one. At least in this thread, as it isn’t the place and that one is on me. :expressionless:

Hehe, to sum it up, I guess the best way to say is that, to me, originality and uniquity is more than just the gameplay. It’s the entire character.

But again, if you enjoy it, then that’s just cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

How do you know Hisako and Shin Hisako are the same person though?

 Just a hunch.
That’s a discussion for another thread though.

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 that is kind if a