Injustice 2

Funny enough that’s one the things I was actually thinking about haha

It’s hilarious because a couple days ago ed tweeted a random picture of milleena out of the blue. Knowing ed I was convinced that milleena was a sure in. I got Booned and the layers went deeper than I ever imagined

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I laughed so hard. But, glad to see they are in. That’s actually really cool, tbh.


OMG is this real??? Please no!!! lol…I wanted Deadman or the Crusader knight dude…ugh

not to be that guy, but turtles are reptiles… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Omg nightshade is always present and Plant Minions are HUGE

Can’t wait to get this legendary poison Ivy gear!

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A totally radical green reptile is crashing the party…



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Sorry, but you’d be wrong about that…

Edit: Ah ■■■■, you corrected it before I could click send. XD

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Not gonna lie, Ninja Turtles is actually pretty godlike

Little fact, my dad loves Ninja Turtles. He drew this a while back and he even did a comic book cover for it recently.

If I could just find a picture though…


TMNT is just a bit too… kiddie-like, imo.

Got it (on the left)




I couldn’t help but notice the similarities…

Enchantress - Injustice 2, 2017

Morrigan - Dragon Age: Origins, 2009


Not the original comics. They became kid-friendly with the 1987 series and haven’t really looked back since.
I’m super excited because they will definitely be a ‘character’ I’m gonna learn. Apart from being a big fan, I’m theorising the trait button and direction lets you switch between Turtles. Can’t wait to see their outro, if its their silhouettes on top of a building like in the title sequence of the 87 series, I’ll never play another character in I2 again (Sorry, GL)


I can’t think of how a comic book about four turtle-furries playing ninjas in the sewers could be for a mature audience at their conception… I guess it was another time back then.

I grew up with the 90’s TMNT cartoon show which was goofy and cheesy as hell, meant for children to sell toys, as most kids cartoons were back then. So the idea of them initially being created as mature content is pretty alien to me.

I mean, even in the FP3 trailer they are presented just like that… silly cartoonish characters crashing a party with cheesy one-liners. There’s nothing mature or dark about them, really…

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She also looking like she went though Merrill’s wardrobe

It’s her new 52 basically a mix of costumes
June Moon will hopefully have some gear alluding to the other iterations, I personally hope from ‘Spectre’ or ‘Day of Judgement’ run of comic, but this is DC official , much like Starfire has new 52/ original mixtures of gear. I love how she gives me that viola feel I haven’t chosen to add that SFV character but she will definitely be a third character I’ll pick up behind Poison ivy


WEAK. So FA KING WEAK! do they think this kind of trash is funny? Put that TMNT crap in a Mario game where it belongs. I hope all the people who cried by MK characters being in the game are happy. Who knew that the number of the fighter packs would be their rating. Pack one was great, pack 2 was ok, and pack 3 is trash.

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wow. you are really living up to your namesake right now.

Not wanting the turtles