IG Please make stages: Rash, Mira, Gargos - DLC

Well the only excuse at this point not to do a community fund would be if they simply didn’t want to do the extra work to make stages. There’s no doubt in my mind if we did one that we would hit our goals.

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Well Someone feels entitled.


You gotta remember that KI is a budget title and doesn’t have as big a budget as other games.


Man alive - I just don’t see the big deal here.


There’s lots of entitlement ITT and not enough reason if you ask me. :expressionless:


is that Tusk? those sure are his teeth


I mean… It could be worst.

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Your sure of that? Even if it was literally double possibly more than what the shago fund asked for?

I don’t think they’re sure of anything aside from their feelings of (arguably unwarranted) disappointment.

I mean we hit the shago goal in less then 24 hours there’s no way we wouldn’t. I mean if board games can hit 5 million dollars raised lol a game with a huge fan base could easily hit 250k

Id think the general public would want more costume accessories for another character, wouldn’t you want season one characters to have better accessories before moving on to more stages?

Or at least maybe more colors

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That one is awesome!

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Just to clarify: does this mean there would only be 6 characters in S3 if each had its own stage?

What if a kickstarter was made for more stages, retro stages and ultimates/no mercies/humiliations?

Unless shadow lords is a mind blowing crazy awesome single player, which judging from what we know about it, it’s not. aAsimple Classic ki arcade mode would have been better. I could be wrong though but stages are ten times better then a single player mode that sounds like heroes vs heralds with some story tacked on.


Agreed, no game mode is worth 5 stages in my opinion


I would definitely buy a DLC stage pack if they do get around to making stages for the homeless characters.

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Now that we can talk about him… If RAAM had a stage the sickest stage you could make for him would be the train you fight him on at the end of Gears 1


Instead of season 4, let’s have additional dlc.

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