gamertag is DurtyDee810
hmm, okay i’ll tke you up on that, I like mirror matches.
Haven’t had hardly any experience against Omen in S3. Color me interested as well - what times are you normally available?
Same here, would be awesome if you can run a lobby. We could all learn from one another.
I’m a top 5 Shago, I’d love to show you some tech to fight the teleporting demon monk.
Shago player??? Eww… Lol just kidding. Sure.
We can run some sets. Everyone just message me on XBL whenever ur ready. I’m usually available after 4pm EST.
Yeah, yeah, I get that a lot. Sweet, that’s around 1PM my time, i’m in Southern California. I’ll hop on in a bit feel free to add me, i’ll do the same. GT: duhgerman
When you say top 5 Shago…what top 5 list are your referring too?
The top ranked leaderboards for Shago? I’m ranked top 6 now since I took time to learn the new characters of the season.
Shadows leader board or Ranked?
Ranked leaderboard, sir.
You on now?
He was, just played a lobby with him for a bit.