I Think Arbiter May Need a Buff

Then there are others who think he’s too OP. Smh. I think he looks fine as is.

we don’t know until we play him. The grenades I think may be too powerful in some ways though especially if ya get tagged and you’re comboing someone.

We won’t know until he actually comes out

I see what you did there Infil you sly fox you.

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yea but you will always get tagged by it before you start your own combo at which point you should know to either just block, throw Arbiter or block up-close and hope he tried to poke causing the explosion to stagger him instead. Like you said though, won’t know until we play him ourselves.

I think the fact that you may have to deliberately interrupt your combos is pretty much why I think Arby isn’t going to have it so bad. Plus the grenades don’t go away when you get hit, so really I think Arby’s gonna be just fine.

Besides so long as you keep them at your sword range you shouldn’t have too many problems.

I love this forum.

Also, after watching all eleven hours of Keitsapalooza, I can’t tell whether the problem was Tswagg or whether Omen and Shago are simply too good, especially vis-a-vis Arbiter and Tusk. Omen at sweep range when you’re in the corner seems actually unwinnable now.

the player was definitely the problem.

-He didnt use Stagger Ender with a high damage reset-bully character. :confused:
-He was addicted to DP-Skull Splitter cancel and tried no other cancel at all. ex: Overhead > DP > Overhead > Immortal Spirit > Slide > Overhead > Shoulder Charge (-2 or +1) hold up > Shadow Air Skull Splitter

-He didnt play footsies at all and jokingly admitted it due to playing Sadira lol with a character who has big ranged normals :neutral_face:
-DPed way too much on wake-up

Not to mention that was day one Tusk for Tswagg so most players wouldnt really be any form of good on day one with a character, granted dude did have 11hrs and only experimented in his last match as Tusk. Not only that but Tusk is the exact opposite of Sadira in terms of gameplay approach.

Heh…this has pretty much always been true. Omen has always had some of the nastiest corner pressure in the game. At least now he’ll be back down to reduced damage while he bullies you in the corner.

definitely Tswagg. It irked me to watch him instinct cancel into DP-Skull Crusher every time, even though he’s on QA, I’ll just put it down to not knowing the character too well yet. He made the Omen match-up look unwinnable (to be fair, Amenty is insanely good).

I don’t think there’s a better corner character in the game than Omen. In S2 his throw damage was so good, led to instant level 3 and one-chance into meter ender for like 2 stocks, then he just bullies the crap out of you.

In S3 he’ll be better, I think, because of orbs that don’t go away on hit and easier confirms off fireball pressure. But at least his throw damage is worse so he doesn’t get to fuel up as much. You still can’t shadow counter the fireballs, you’ll have to guess on a poke.

Throw damage is lessened too. Thank God. It was 15 percent in S2, that’s basically getting hit by Call of the Earth yet it leads into a full combo situationally.

I agree, I think Arby needs a buff. Almost every stream match I watched him get played in, he lost. I think his moveset is Ok, but I do think he needs a damage boost. There’s no reason level 4 cash out combos should result in only 24 or 28% damage… Even when Carbine shots are added at the end. That’s crazy…

Now I know ppl are gonna say that he can probably give a bit more damage with certain combo strings, but his general damage delivery I think is really underwhelming. Especially for a character like Arbiter.

Also I think that the suggestion mentioned earlier in this thread about a shield ender is not a bad idea either.

Watching Mario on Keits’s stream today, I think Arbiter is actually pretty good. Or at least, his Arbiter is really good.
He was finding stuff that I didn’t even think about, but that I’m going to have to immediately try when I get Season 3. Things like emptying your entire magazine and hopping across the screen, comboing all the way there before hit confirming/resetting into a traditional combo for a free level 4 ender, using spacing and reach to bully people with overheads and grenade pressure…
Pretty dank.


I don’t think that Arbiter’s carbine shots should scale. One shot does pretty good damage, but using three shots in a row makes the last two do far reduced damage. The best way to use Arbiter’s carbine seems to be shooting only once for maximum damage. Using three in a row is a big waste unless you’re juggling for a recapture.

Reduce or remove the scaling with the carbine and we’ll have a reason to shoot three times in a row.


Considering that all of Abiter’s carbine shots (shot singly) can nearly take a lifebar, removing scaling on them probably isn’t a good idea :open_mouth:

Being able to guarantee that kind of damage after every combo or throw would be a problem.

If they didn’t scale back the damage the whole Combat Evolved mechanic would be broken.

That seems like a very, very bad idea to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XaXMKZP794

Bigger shadow shield hitbox all I can wish

That would be kind of bad for Arbiter, as right now he can use the shield to make his running slash safe and allow for juggles off it. If the shield actually hit then he would still be unsafe.

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I didn’t remember this topic.
I agree, Arbiter would need a buff for several reasons.

  • He has no effective anti air ; cr fwd hk is his best anti air.
    First his is unnatural, it comes out in 11 frames and only at short range. This is clearly a difficult anti air to use.
  • He is slow and have very short dashes. This lack of mobility is a weakness against hight mobility characters. Fortunately he compensates it with long range moves.
  • VERY short throw range. Which is clearly to bad regarding that a lot of his set ups start with a throw.
  • His punches/kicks auto-doulbes are the same, very recognizable, which makes him very easy to read and break.
  • Long start up moves.
  • His Grenade trait is very easy to avoid (block or attack and/or perform a shadow move to avoid the detonation) and allow only specific mix ups to use more than one grenade, which still make him easy to read and break. That trait can also be a threat for him, which is probably the only character that has to take care not be hurt by his own ability.
  • Most of his flip outs will start by a light, which, one more time, is so easy to break that you can not really use it anymore.
  • He has only one low attack, cancellable with only one move (Mercy’s Demise) and requires one meter to follow up. Not really cost effective…