I Think Arbiter May Need a Buff

thats stupid hes already good as is

If Iā€™m not mistaken, I think I briefly heard that Arbiter has a midscreen overhead that is plus on block? If thatā€™s the case, I think he could almost have zero low threats and still be dangerous. Whilst a midscreen slide is oppressive in the sense that it forces you to anchor yourself in place to pre-emptively block it, to present a pre-emptive block on a midscreen overhead you need to be giving up positioning by back-walking. That bodes ill when you consider that Arbiterā€™s gameplan involves zoning you out at midscreen: youā€™re either doing his job for him by backing out, or youā€™re leaving yourself open to an overhead that you might not be able to react to every time.

Er, calculus is a branch of mathematics.


Am I the only one that thinks weā€™ll see a disproportionate amount of double KOs when Arbiter comes out? Iā€™m not saying itā€™ll happen a lot, but if he doesnā€™t have metee, and gets knocked down, until people get a really good feel for his grenade damage, I feel like heā€™s going to be fairly likely to kill himself if people arenā€™t careful

I canā€™t wait to throw Salt Grenades at people and cause a Double KO.

Lol. The grenades donā€™t do much damage, so Iā€™m a little dubious that weā€™ll see much change in terms of double KOā€™s or the like. Their real utility is in the stagger, recapture, and general oppressiveness of having a plasma grenade stuck to your face.

I believe itā€™s only the heavy charge that is plus on block, and that one had a goodly amount of startup. The lighter versions are more unsafe if I recall correctly. That said, heā€™s still a really good character, and Iā€™m honestly pretty surprised to hear people calling preemptively for buffs.

Oh wait. Itā€™s the Internet, so no Iā€™m not. :smile:

All of the charge moves are negative. The overheads are the ones that are positive

Amending that statement then, Calculus is the DOMINANT branch of mathematics that truly governs the world. When I first wrote that, I was only considering the small mathematics of multiplication and division, which lead to a poorly worded statement.

Technically though, Calculus itself is actually a study of the change within systems, which doesnā€™t include math at all. It heavily leans on mathematical equations though to show the work and explain the theory through derivatives and integrals of said equations to show continuous (or non-continuous) relationships between variables within the system. But thatā€™s a minor semantic, so I may as well concede to your point.

At this point though, Iā€™m pretty sure no one cares and Iā€™d be made fun of for being the math nerd like back in high school.

Keeping in line with the conversation, we really donā€™t know what Arbiter plays like in relative terms to the rest of the cast. Weā€™ve seen bits and pieces of his gameplan, but weā€™ve not gotten the chance to do so ourselves in training mode, finding setups, looking at the frame data, turning on the hitboxes, testing ranges, and most important, testing the psychological mind set of how people play against him both online and off. A few weeks in, when we see people develop tendencies to his gameplan, and see how strong or weak a character can play or react to the Arbiter, then we can make better judgments to whether or not he needs buffs.

Also, remember they released Aganos into the wild knowing he was slightly weaker than they intended. Every character is constant guess work and updating to perfect their playstyle and balance them appropriately, should they be overwhelmed in any aspect of their gameplan.

TL:DR Calculus is math, but itā€™s probably the most important math. Itā€™s also too early to judge whether or not the Arbiter really needs a buff.

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Definitely depends on the field! In my area (computer graphics), linear algebra rules the world, although calculus plays a role in some areas when you start to discuss a bit more theory. In cryptography, itā€™s largely group theory (elliptic curves for the more complex things, basic understanding of how groups and primes interact for most of the rest of it).

Calculus (differential equations in particular) has its role in a lot of important things, like engineering, but ā€œtruly governs the worldā€ is maybe a bit too strong.


Iā€™ve looked at the world through an engineering standpoint for the most part, so for me, itā€™s been the most influential tool, to my understanding, that dictates the world. Iā€™ve seen Calculus reach itā€™s claws into so many different disciplines, it just became a cornerstone to me. Between physics, dynamics, thermal systems, mechanical systems, electrical, which many of those disciplines find their way into many of the common products we see and use, itā€™s just something Iā€™ve been taught to believe.

To each his own though. I have used linear algebra though too, and youā€™ve definitely got a point. Iā€™ve seen it used a lot in robotics path planning between multiple planes of reference and rotational and translational values between them to determine position, velocity and acceleration of individual joints of robotic links. Itā€™s just not something Iā€™ve used as extensively as Calculus. Itā€™s definitely an interesting branch of mathematics.

Apologies if I sound like I dissed your profession. No offense @Infilament . I respect you a lot man.

lol, nah, no dissing has happened in this conversation. Math is cool.

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what really rules the world is bacon.

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Nah. I design components for jet engines. Itā€™s definitely geometry that rules the world. :smirk:

Bacon itā€™s ok, but needs more bacon

After all the above posts, can we just say that



Lol. I find this an acceptable compromise. :smile:

Yes, I misspoke earlier and called the overhead special a charge. As you said, all the charges are negative. For the overhead special though, only the heavy one is plus. Keits said the light one was ā€œlike -1 or somethingā€, while the heavy version (with all the start-up) was +3.

Iā€™ll say. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve used a lot of calculus in my time working as a maid :confused:

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On topic:
If thereā€™s anything that I think would be a really nice benefit for the Arbiter it would be to make the Shadow version of his overhead thing a Recapture. That, or an ender version of his Shadow Command grab.

Just conveniences like that. Otherwise I think his gameplay is perfectly viable and in some situations really good.

give it a month after release :slightly_smiling:

I was going to write an impassioned response about mathematics being so much more than numbers and equations, and how apparently a dumb British policy to focus the school math syllabus in on arithmetic basically ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  peoplesā€™ perspectives on what math is forever.

But that might be a bit much of a detour for this thread.

I guess I better hide my pure math degree, then. :frowning:

Iā€™d want to say that ring theory and monoid theory is more relevant to cryptography, and that modern cryptography owes its entire concept to complexity theory.

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