I love Microsoft/IG, But

Gotta be Fulgore

I get what they mean. I had the same issue with MVC3’s easy mode. Even if it does help you get around the sometimes odd or difficult commands, having an assist honestly doesn’t do much to stroke the ego and make you feel confident. It’s kinda the same impression you would get if you were getting training wheels for your bike and while being put on you were asked if you wanted a matching pacifier

Like, I get that it’s kind of embarrassing to be using it but, I feel like, the joy of beating up your buddies overcomes that. If I were to use UMVC3’s Easy Mode, it would only be versus friends so that I could have a good time. If I was by myself, trying to learn the game, hell no. The training wheels are off.

That being said, I wouldn’t use an Easy Mode anyways. I’d force myself to learn. Like in GGXrd Sign on PC. I don’t even know if there is an easy/cam mode, but even if there was, it doesn’t matter to me, because I want to be a better player no matter what I play.

I’m sorry if that read a bit redundant. I’m just trying to be as clear as possible.

The worst part is, they won’t even pick up a controller to try it. No convincing will get them to budge, and it bugs me because I try out all their games that they want to play. Path of Exile, Dungeon Defenders, FFXIV
 I didn’t like them too much, but I was willing to give them a shot. People are just too closed minded.

I know the feeling. When I was a teenager my brother and I would play KI on the SNES fairly regularly
I would sit there and practice and practice, but when he would start we’d get about 2 games in & then on I couldn’t touch him
 and we both were pretty big into Nintendo games, but when we got older I branched out & played PS & Xbox games, while he has pretty well shunned anything without a Nintendo seal of quality on it. I’ve been trying to get him to play KI for quite some time now (if for no other reason just to straight up kick his ass to repay him for all the KI1 beatings I got), but his response has typically been, " I never really cared for KI
that was more your thing." :angry:

Honestly in order for me to get some friends with like interests to play with me, I ended up having to grow them myself, lol. Still, my oldest boy, 12, is sitting in the gold tier right now, and he has a pretty mean Shago
albeit it’s one of the most irritatingly spamtastic Shago’s you’ll ever play (minus teabagging), but still

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To be perfectly honest: I heard about it after E3 and was excited for about 30 seconds before I realized it was an Xbone exclusive. I played the game as a kid and loved the characters and music, but I was pretty much only PC gaming by that point and had no inclination to buy a console, much less the Xbone that still had the specter of heavy DRM at that time. From a community building and game recognition perspective: Xbone exclusivity was the WORST POSSIBLE thing they could have done. That is one of the main reasons why the community remains small (the others being high skill bar to entry and limited franchise appeal because of the age of the previous games).

That being said, the game never would have been made without the support from Microsoft since they own all the Rare IPs, so the exclusivity was worth it to get the damn thing made.

As for me, I was kind of excited to see it coming to PC and thought about picking it up on a lark, but then I started hearing the soundtrack (through Little V coves mostly) and watched a couple of tournaments and knew I had to get it and start playing.

It’ll grow with time, probably not much bigger than it is now, but will likely sustain the numbers for a good, long while depending on how supported it is.

The number of platforms a game is on doesn’t equal more sales all the time.

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