I am deeply concerned about the lack of good cosmetics in this game

Hehe. Yeah some certain knifecamos in csgo are quite (in)famous as well.

Yeah but you can also get stuff of very high quality for free using ingame silver you earn by just playing normal and I mean stuff where everything is changed spell effects and model etc animations etc.

BUT this is an authentic Partisan Russian Female with a Sniper Rifle, so it will sell for whatever the asking price. I think its also the novelty of owning a limited edition that never returns.

KI has limited editions like Shadow Jago BUT he returns if you notice. In HON they NEVER return unless you gonna gamble some BIG money. Right now to get Parisian Witch Slayer you are going to have to spend maybe $2000 USD in gamble system for some reason lots of people do it, i grabbed her while I could.

But few make it to the lottery system most can be bought just like that and they are also of over high quality.

Weā€™ve all been wanting more cosmietic stuff since S1. I think it all comes down to the fact that this is more of a budget title than the likes of those higher profile MOBAs, as well as less of a F2P game than people think.

I agree. It would be cool to essentially be able to remake the character however you wantā€¦I mean more so that you can do now. An example of something that is coming that gets me excited is Miraā€¦ Unlike many on this site, the idea of a vampire character really does nothing for me. That being said, the fact that Mira has a ā€˜Jack of Bladesā€™ costume makes me really excited, as Iā€™ll be able to role play as a Fable character, and that to me is amazing.

Stuff like that I think would go very far in this game. Honestly, if mods were able to come to PC/Xbox, and be usable online, that would be freaking game changing in my eyes.

The upcoming Shadow Lords mode is hinted to have a lot of craft-able items, and potential costume stuff in it that you can earn, or use KI Gold to buy / unlockā€¦

So far that is the only palpable use of KI Gold I can think of that will be in the game. Everything else as of now I feel is a waste.

Everybody hates Sabrewulf Retroā€¦at least those who are nostalgic for the OG game. People have been asking for reworks on most of the S1 retros since the beginning, but with DH leaving, and the way S2 came into fruition, I think those concerns / complaints (as far as the Devs go) were just put on the back burner.

I hear you, but at the end of the day the Supreme Edition is the best deal if you want the game. Sure there are some perceived missed opportunities, but the game is amazing, and the sum total of what his here is great.

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hey man yeah I decided to buy the Supreme edition maybe there is gonna be a sexy accessory I can craft for Orchid or Maya in shadow lords and it may come in handy.

And if nothing else well I am happy for this game releasing on PC where if it didnā€™t I never would have owned it. So if not for anything else I will pay the $40 to support the devs even if I am not a fan of S3 characters.

Why are you comparing big MOBAs to a budget fighting game? The reason it works for them is because theyā€™re big enough to do prize wheels and stupidly overpriced skins. And why do you keep asking for sexy costumes? Iā€™d drop this game if they started asking for $100+ skins of orchid in a bikini or something stupid like that.

What? heroes of newerth is also a budget game by a tiny Indie Company that can only manage to retain 4000 players in North America.

You are confusing HON with League of Legends.

I am comparing KI a budget game to HON another budget game run by a company way smaller than microsoft most of you here have never even heard of heroes of newerth.

Season 1 characters are in desperate need of new accessories. Orchidā€™s accessories in particular are pathetic and her retro accessories are a joke. These characters have been wearing and saying the same ā– ā– ā– ā–  for 3 yearsā€¦ IG can we PLEASE get some new accessories and audio? Iā€™m willing to put my money where my mouth is.

Hopefully now with the PC game out, we can get some extra accessories.

Yeah I was talking about LoL, because LoL is famous for having absurdly sexualized skins to get quick cash, and I donā€™t want KI to turn into that.

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To be fair, I would spend absurd amounts of money for sexualized skins in any game and I actually prefer a game to be like it, hint Skyrim Mods.

The PC especially has a culture of gamers spending absurd amounts of money on sexy outfits and exclusives, maybe IG will realize it now. If they make a few of those Skyrim Mods it will spread like wildfire and people would actually flock to this game just to get it.

Let me tell you people are even crazy enough to donate hundreds of dollars to female twitch streamers just because they wear a push up bra and show cleavage. Capcom knows money is there to be made in street fighter 5 cosmetics aswell just look how much SF4 had.

Console gamers have never cared about sex in games but its the opposite of PC gamers.

I think the real reason we wonā€™t see any kind of costumes or cosmetics that actually make money is because microsoft is such a HUGE company and RICH. To them, making a few million extra is a drop in the bucket and just not worth it.
If KI was developed and ran by a small indie company whose gain was to make money you would have seen a lot more costumes. But microsoft does not need money and that there is where part of the problem lie.

I understand thereā€™s a market for sexualized skins because of the legions of high testosterone virgins who canā€™t keep it in their pants. Iā€™m hoping IG has the self respect to not stoop down to this crowd. They should just keep doing what theyā€™re doing, not pandering to the virgins even if it gets them some extra cash.

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What IG needs to do is just do what they want and not like the fans have any say in what needs to be in the game.

I want a hot urban chick version of Maya. She already has a future tron suite so what the heck give her some fantasy armor and high heels and I will put my money where my mouth is.

All your posts on the forums today have been about making sexy skins of the characters, either you have a problem or youā€™re trolling the forums for April Fools.

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lol, he is horny

Abiding to every single request is something they should not do, especially something as ridiculous as this.

Horny likeā€¦ A TOAD?!


IG has been pretty direct in stating that their objective is to not sexualize the female characters.
DH did it somewhat with Orchid and Sadira, whose body rigs are exaggerations of the female form. But when IG took over they threw out those rigs and made the Maya rig and Hisako rig. Smaller chests, wider waists. (More realistic proportions).

Just be grateful they left Orchid and Sadira bodies and outfits alone.

If modding becomes a thing, youā€™ll probably get what you want.

@KingHadu donā€™t let the negativity get to you. This place is ā€œpassionateā€ but there are good folks here too. :thumbsup: Welcome btw.