How would YOU react to these guest characters in KI?

The easy way to fix this would be to “KIller instinct”-tize them into something that looks cool. Instead of something crazy like sabrewolf she could be made with an emphasis on looking regal and otherworldly lije glacius looks. Changed to her look like how some people wanted a pseudo-realistic banjo and kazooi and make them look like they would belong in the ki universe.

Doesn’t have to be tiny, just about Kim wu or even Sadira size would work. It’s like olimar from smash. In his in game he is smaller than a penny but in the game he is just a head smaller than mario.

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Well, Mario is also smaller than coins in his games.

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Yes Please :grin:

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That’s the kind of idea I feared before Rash was announced. And that’s (unnecessarily) changing the look of the character that didn’t fit in the first place. It takes away a very significant aspect of the character just for the sake if fitting in. While Rash may have worked out in the end, I seriously doubt it’ll be the same with characters like Ori and banjo without changing a significant aspect of what they are. You might as well make them completely different characters.

What? … Yes, what a weird question post rash era

Truth be told I totally get where your coming from especially with banjo as not just his design is apart of his character but his art style. It would be incredibly hard to change that and still retain banjo.

However I don’t think ori suffers from that as much as banjo does. In fact I think it would be much easier to keep what makes her design cool/cute in ki than banjo. The mysticism, the flowing movement style, the inhuman facial features; the general things that make ori concept cool to people can all be preserved within KI art style.


No, because, as silly as Rash is, he is still from an era where stuff like Battletoads was considered cool! The transition to Killer Instinct went smoother for him, because he was an easier fit.

Child of Light and Ori… they’re not cool. They’re not KI material. They are cute. And KI is not cute.

Then how about a character like the one I mentioned? Imagine the possibilities with a shape shifting bio weapon and how that could look in a fighting game setting. Plus as far as appearance goes Alex should fit in relatively well in my opinion.

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I would love a character like that.
However, I am against guest characters. But to have an original KI character based on Alex Mercer, his powers and abilities inspired by him… THAT I would support. Because that’s something KI has been about since day one… making characters inspired from other places and make them their own.

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I respect that, though for the sake of the Guest Character thread this is someone I’d like to see over someone like Ori, who I feel would be more appropriate as a guardian than a fighter.

I always pretend Omen is Ori. His three random projectiles even remind me of Ori’s.

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I would laugh and wait for all the salt to pour in.

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All terrible i’d ask for a refund right away

Raiden and even Ori? :confused:

Only for KI, i think Ori is cute and Raiden is a meme.

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Honestly? I’d rather see Monsoon, just imagine what could be done with all his weird abilities, the detachable body pieces (not limbs, little bitty pieces to avoid blows) attacking from multiple directions, throwing huge objects. I’d love to see IG replicate his bizarre fighting style in KI.


Earthworm jim would be nice. All and all I’d like to keep the character contrast going, and there’s nothing like a worm in a suit. (snake in a suit?)

I LOVED Monsoon! He was awesome. <3
Probably my favourite in MGR.


People complain about him, but I loved everything about that boss fight, the bizarre speeches, the animations, his weird abilities, the music, everything was just so perfectly hype!

It’s a shame the game mysteriously wiped all my saves though, I really should finish it one day. :confused:

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Don’t forget THE MEMES!!