How to block Glacius in Instinct

Hey guys i know alot of people have trouble dealing with Glacius in instinct watch this video and stop the shenanigans.!AiQ90XwoZf7ShgbXvfcme1xmLXGc


Nice job, I know this gave people trouble.

I knew there was a tell, but I could never figure it out! THANKS!!! :smiley:

Lol, I made a video about this at the end of May, cause people didn’t believe there was a tell.

Good stuff!

I cant hear the video right now at work… so what s the “tell”?

When he crosses up with instinct puddle, the puddle has ice-spikes in it; if he doesn’t cross up, there’s no spikes in the puddle - it’s as smooth as glass.

Ahhh ok…cool! Thanks! Yeah that cross up always got me… i just never seemed to be able to react even though I knew it was coming.

A bit off-topic, but it’s got me thinking - is there a similar tell for Eyedol’s teleport crossup?

YouTube didn’t exist in 2016?

He likely recorded it a long time ago and used the Xbox’s built in editing stuff to upload that video to onedrive. Pretty sure he could have downloaded it though and still uploaded it to youtube, but you may have to dig to find it on there.