How long it takes to complete?

How long it takes to complete Shadow Lords?

It all depends on you, it can last as long as 100+ days or the very first day if that is what you’re asking if you mean 100% completion then that’ll take while.

Up to you, the shortest I’ve done a successful run is about 20 minutes (though that was before the skip turn limit so maybe 40 is more accurate).

Up to you, the shortest I’ve done a successful run is about 20 minutes (though that was before the skip turn limit so maybe 40 is more accurate).

I been playing for like 2hrs and finished only 20%

If you mean percentage, that’s gonna take several playthroughs.

I’m on my 5th or 6th playthrough, and I’ve been dragging this one out to mess w/ Kilgore, so I wanna say I’m on turn 60 or so. I’m at 51% last I checked, but I’ve been using the same characters for the last 3 playthroughs, so my % discovery hasn’t gone up much.

Depends on how you play. What choices you make. How many turns you skip and what itens you have on stock and how you make good use of them. Also must have good guardians. Fractured ward is just the best.

I takes a long time to get everything thing. I’m at like 62%, and I’ve put MANY hours into this mode, as well as have done MANY play-throughs. Granted, most of my “play-throughs” were not to get as many turns as I could, or even fight as many enemies as I could, they were just to defeat Gargos.

If you are looking just to get 100% of the items, you need to hunker down and buckle in for the long haul. Do play throughs JUST to take down as many enemies as you can, using items, guardians, and everything at your disposal to keep corruption low, health high, and go as long as you can.

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This is how I’ve been prolonging my Kilgore run.

If “Melatonin/Dragonskin Nanobots” show up in the Emporium, craft as many as you can. Prioritize Melatonin.

Deployment will help keep you healthy too, but can strain your consumable stocks. Use your own judgement. Personally, I deploy with at least one character every turn, just to be safe (I don’t deploy Kilgore though, obviously!)

Depends, if ya have a certain relic on hand you can complete it in moments BUT it will be really hard.