Fun and goofy idea

Mira vs eyedol who can kill themselves first lol

Mira without question lol.

Eyedol may be falling apart, but Mira literally dehydrates herself to death.

Hmm… record Mira mashing mist against Eyedol mashing face punch and see who dies first…?

I actually think in that scenario it would be Eyedol.

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As far as I’m aware Mira can’t kill herself can she? They mentioned eyedol can die from his punches on the stream

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Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh!!!

Eyedol dies by default. Sorry big guy.

EDIT: So, if Mira’s lack of suicide compatibility were to disqualify her, we should then perhaps examine which is mightier of our viable options. I can’t think of any other than Arby though, so…

Face Punch vs. Face 'Nade!


We’ll need to examine how much damage the face nade does per nade, and how fast he can get them.

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Let us begin tonight with the 2016 SUICIDE GAMES!!!

Yup, Eyedol. Mira only decreases her maximum HP. None of it is actually gone whereas Eyedol loses HP per punch.

Actually, once Mira has turned all her HP into recoverable damage, she will then start eating away at the recoverable damage as well. But she doesn’t actually kill herself as once she doesn’t have enough recoverable damage to waste on an action anymore then she can’t do the move.

There’s also Kan ra, btw, with sandsplosion, competing for the suicide run xD


We need get everyone who can possibly kill themselves and make a chart. So um… Science yeah science!

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Huh, I actually never knew that. (Barely play with or against her)

Thanks for the insight

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