Final Destination: Bloodlines

AKA Final Destination 6 (I believe). Most of all the first new Final Destination movie in a LONG time now :grin: :grinning: :smile: :smiley: :+1:

For f uckโ€™s sakes, another one? Itโ€™s not even a good series.

So I take it youโ€™re not a fan of the Final Destination series then?

A big no. I mean, none of them plot-wise are interesting; the only appeal, if any, that I could gleam from the FD movies are the various ways to die, which really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Itโ€™s a movie needlessly stretched out into a series that is less about good storytelling than it is schadenfreude and ghoulish snuff voyeurism crap.

But this is Death weโ€™re talking about here; Death that is AND has become a living sentient force/being, in fact.

So? Itโ€™s not a particularly well-written series. If you want a movie about Death/the Grim Reaper, there are far better movies out there than FD. If itโ€™s just watching for the sake of seeing people gruesomely killed, that just makes it nothing more than torture p o r n.

Similar to the Saw series, you would say?

Sadly, yes, although the difference between the FD series and โ€œSawโ€ is that the first โ€œSawโ€ movie was terrific, an excellent mystery thriller and not torture p o rn.

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Especially for the later installments in the Saw series, correct? Even the latest, most recent, AND most current one โ€œSaw Xโ€ by any chance?

The ones after the first โ€œSawโ€ pretty much devolved into torture p o rn.

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