Favorite Movie fights of all times

IP Man, the man who trained Bruce Lee

Ha! I fought and befriended an Ip Man on KI recently. :smile:

I love those films, BTW! :white_flower:

Because Grievous is soooooo cooooool!


I think someone already posted that 1…

Indeed. And now it’s posted twice :wink:

My brother came up with some great fight scenes for you guys. :wink:

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This fight always make me goosebumps…

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Yo that Ip Man scene is TOO HYPE

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Yup! But Jotaro vs Dio is my favorite fight of all time!

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The bar brawl with Gackt from Bunraku. His wall run fake out gets me every time.

Will try to find a link/embed later when I have a computer at my disposal - not good with smartphone interface.