EYEDOL opinion poll GET VOTING ❤

He never did anything for me in the old game, same as this one really. Sure I’ll give him a go but if he’s anything like Raam i’ll just leave him alone.
Raam is the low point of the season for me. Bleugh.
He needs his own stage to suit his personalities but he’s not gonna get it.
I would’ve much preferred Eagle tbh, I’ve been wanting him since the original KI.

Now I like the fact he’s part mage but I think I would’ve preferred a pure wizard/mage character.

Not sure which one you feel is the wasted spot, but if it’s RAAM, I agree with you. Most people I know that have seen him in KI don’t even know he’s from Gears of War, even if they played the games. They’re like “Oh… really? squinting hmmm”. IG could’ve made tens of better picks.

On a side note, Eyedol really needs a stage. Way more than Arbiter does, that’s for sure.


Raam is the wasted spot. I respect that eyedol has to return to round out the cast.
Id say IG were told by MS which guests are going in.

I would’ve thought MS would tell IG to include Marcus Fenix then. That’s the safer choice.

i like Ramm :smiley:

hes a good character. My problem is: hes a guest and we should have NO MORE than one PER season imo.

Rash for me is a waste of time! NO TIME AT ALL for toon moves. At least Ramm fits into the games style

im guessing lots fo gears fans care tho… i know many fo them :smiley:

And Arbiter, imo.

Well yes I agree with that to a lesser extent but purely because I don’t think he’s fully developed in my opinion. I feel the same about all the guests

Enough about Raam and his supposed wasted spot - this thread is all about Eyedol, so stay on topic.

With the mention of Maya earlier, I like the idea of her being the 1 to stop Eyedol, since she’s:

  • a member of the Nightguard, a.k.a. a monster hunter (and since Eyedol’s all monster…).
  • the dual nature of her daggers mirrors that of Eyedol; 1 for each head, so-to-speak.
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Maybe those are his daggers?!?!



Awful: 6%
Average: 18%
Great: 21%
Perfect: 55%

We haven’t even seen the accessories, why y’all voting?! :joy:


That’s why I save my vote until see his accessories…

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Yes we have - they can be seen over at [REDACTED]. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thats exactly what I was thinking lol

Everyone had a button… they don’t have to use it :blush:

Vote on those acsesories now guys lol :smile::smile::joy::joy:

Personally I think the retro acsesories are total trash but the main retro is cool.

I hated Eyedol. After I got to use him and saw a particular set for his accessories, I began to adore him. The Knight and Demon Retro acc is what I’m talking about. Fell in love with it. Still not a fan of his base design both back then and now.

I’ll be using him a lot more from now on. IG did a good job.

Now come on… they are awesome. He’s got some of the best outfits in the game. I’m actually surprised how well he turned out in every dept.
Shame he’s the last character this season or potentially ever.

After playing Eyedol for an hour or two, my first impressions are VERY positive!
He’s really fun to play. I love the berserker head more than the mage head so far, but I’ve still found some really swell things with 'em.
While having to rely on RNG seemed kinda annoying on paper, I actually kinda sorta like it. It forces you to keep on your toes and be ready to change your playstyle on a whim, and luckily I like both heads enough that I’m not totally crippled by the switches.

Generally, his moves feel really good. Once I get the hang of remembering his inputs consistently he’ll be very high on my pick list. Probably not super top tier in my favorites, but still pretty high.

And now that’s we’ve seen all his colors and accessories, I cam safely say that I really like most of them. The Conflicted Visage gives me some wonderful Dark Souls vibes, and the Ragdoll/Misfit sets both look like great picks for Halloween (and Eyedol the doll is just priceless). His modern accessories are also pretty decent, though I’m less keep on the champion set.
I will say that I cannot wait to unlock his Color 9. I love it, and I like his design as a character enough that it will be mighty fun getting there!

I found a nice accessory combination:
Default head
Ragdoll torso
Ragdoll legs
Color 2 (green)

It makes for a really cool patchwork kind of troll under the bridge/monster under the bed kind of vibe. :slight_smile:

i dont love it lol

the pumpkin head? i cant even!
