Eyedol is the epitome of devs listening to the fans

Well that’s just unfair, most of us weren’t acting like that. Don’t blame all of us for the vocal minority that took it a step to far.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Hm, I’m inclined to give you this one – “Eyedol fans” isn’t really an organized collective of people who can be expected to do something about their more obnoxious peers’ conduct. Okay dude, I’m happy for those Eyedol fans who respectfully wished and hoped for Eyedol’s return.


That Retro Though…


Heh. A fair request, as far as it goes. Made somewhat more difficult by the fact that so many people on the “yay Eyedol” side of things seem to be so hostile to anyone who didn’t/doesn’t care for the character.

I didn’t really check the forums while I was at EVO, but have gotten the chance to do a lot of browsing while sitting in airports today. In literally almost every thread about Eyedol and his reveal, there’s some variety of “where the haters at now!?” I’m mildly convinced that some people are completely uncomprehending of the idea that not everyone likes every character they like, or values the same things they do. People are talking like there was some sort of organized subset of the community actively campaigning against Eyedol’s inclusion, when the truth of it was more of a “meh, never liked him and don’t care if he comes back” observation. Heck, people were harangued for not liking Eyedol in a thread where the TC asked specifically why they didn’t like Eyedol. That’s just silly.

No great victory over evil has been won, and no grand conspiracy was thwarted. It’s really not that deep - and more to the point it never was. Different people have different preferences, and that’s really all this “debate” has ever been about. I’m glad that you all seem to like Eyedol. It’d be nice if some people could enjoy him without silly and nonsensical jabs at all these mythical “haters” that apparently float around the forums.

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Eyedol fans were no different than any other fan that wanted an orginal character back. I watched an outcry for each of the orginal characters from TJ at the start of S2 to wanting Cinder who was number 8 in S2.

The only difference is that these orginal cast members did not have a developer openly say they did not like him, so Eyedol fans felt they had to be a louder voice for their character.


You’ve gotta admit though, for every out of control Eyedol fan there was an anti-Eyedol protester who was equally rude and childish about insisting he not come back. Not backing up their claims, not saying they just don’t like him, simply coming into every Eyedol thread and saying “No Eyedol!”, “He’s ugly!” or one doozy that kept repeating “GIVE UP” and causing more drama than there needed to be.

Disliking a character is one thing, its a fighting game we’re not meant to like every character but outright refusing a character on your own personal prejudices is kind of a selfish ■■■■ move. I have made it known I loathe Kim Wu but I would have never thought to go on the forums in every pre-season 3 Kim thread and talk trash about her.

And wherever that’s turned ■■■■■■ and disrespectful, that’s also been unacceptable and reduced my faith in humanity.

I mean, I really want Shadows AI to be used in the rest of the single-player modes, and I’m going to be sad if (when? It seems like a when) Shadows AI doesn’t make it into Shadow Lords. I’m sure some talented programmers worked on the default AI, but I think it’s backward garbage that discourages casuals from learning how to actually play a fighting game. I feel pretty passionately about this, too. But you don’t see me starting three threads on the topic, chewing out the devs for not getting around to it and ruining the single player experience and wilfully stunting the growth of the fighting game genre, and all sorts of other abrasive garbage I could be spouting if I proceeded with the sort of unchecked fervor that some of the Eyedol fanclub were known for. I’m not doing that, because that would be the immature thing to do.

I guess the first point I’d make is that devs > us. They sacrifice a lot in terms of career opportunities and work-life balance to slave away on a game like KI, whereas a fan is ultimately just getting huffy over a video game they happen to really like, so a fan being rude to the devs is worse than a fan being rude to another fan.

I can’t speak for everyone on the anti-Eyedol side, and at some point this turns into thread necromancy because the arguments are behind us, but I certainly had a “GIVE UP” attitude towards the more fervent Eyedol fans at times, specifically times when things had played out to the point where it was either drop it or be obnoxious and the fans chose the latter. There were other productive discussions that I was happy to see happen, I even tried to contribute to some of them, and I don’t think anyone really wanted people to “give up” on those discussions. I can think of maybe one forum member whose calls to “give up” may’ve been on the taunting, egregious side, which I think is distasteful, but at least they don’t seem to be giving the devs ■■■■ about their decision to finally make the character, and again, devs > us.

The rest of it, people coming into a nominally pro-Eyedol thread and expressing their distaste for the idea with things like “No Eyedol!” and “He’s ugly!”, just seems like healthy forum interaction and feedback. You don’t get to have a pristine uniformly pro-Eyedol thread where you make it appear as though support for the idea is unanimous, that’s not how forums work. It’s not toxic to tell somebody that their idea is bad or that you disagree with it.

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Now that he’s here…I actually think they planned to have him in from the start. Although…why for last? I have no idea.

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The Plan was always to bring back Eyedol as the counter to Gargos Lore Wise.

And then in Season 4 Cthulu will invade from the chaos dimension with her four Demon Lords and Earth will Respond to these invaders like a body would with Anti-Bodies with Warriors of her own e.g. Wendigos, Yeti, Grandmaster Monk who trained Jago, and a Earth Goddess awakened by the foul odor of Demon Wars.

Cthulu is unplayable, more like a True Giant Boss character similar to Galactus.

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I get that some think Eyedol is an ugly character in KI, but so was the rest of the cast. Most of the characters in the orginal KI look nasty now. The issue I have is the game is 22 years old. All games look better when they are new. I remember when the first KI was new in the arcade and it looked great. MK is the same way, when it is compared to MKX.

To me, all of the original cast looked like crap when compared to stuff these days Eyedol never deserved all the hate. :stuck_out_tongue:


Save the best for last maybe? He sure did generate a godly amount of hype.

Best for last…psh…please…that ugly thing?

He is beautiful in his own special way! His mom says so!

There is only one beauty…well two actually. Besdies…a face not even a mother could love.

I think they released Gargos early, so they could quietly work on Eyedol. With Eyedol’s looks and move set, I think they wanted to put more care in him, instead of Gargos. Even some of his moves make him a cross pick for Gargos

No better way to End S3 :smile:

I’m an Eyedol fan. Never was disrespectful with anybody.

I even created a thread asking being civil about the last reveal. Lets be civil: Last character reveal

There are polite Eyedol fans, like @xCrimsonLegendx, who always defended Eyedol being polite.

I’m happy for this people.