Early access

Tomorrow midnight? Or sun rise,

That is what I am wondering, what time will the update go live? I am assuming tomorrow morning at like 10/11 but if it’s midnight ima stay up and let it DL so it can be ready for me as soon as I am good to play Friday lol

It could be true midnight hmmmm

It’s never been midnight. Updates usually start to go out later in the day. Some people get them a bit earlier (between 3-5am pst) if they uninstall/reinstall the game. Otherwise I usually get mine after 10am or just because noon.

Doesn’t matter to me I won’t get him until Saturday.

Ah the butt kissers.

This makes me laugh, because honestly no one really likes a butt kisser. They’re the worst. Well, maybe not the worst, but you get my drift. I’ve been watching for the past week as salty tears come streaming from the face of the entitled, and I get to keep that in mind for the future. This was nearly all my doing. Mwahahahah. I take all the blame, and in the same respect, I take all the credit.

100% transparency: This was a test.

One day sitting at my desk I was watching CStyles stream, and an idea was born. I knew our production schedule, and I knew that his release week was set, but I miiiiiight be able to pitch a cool idea for getting some folks some early access. I positioned this as a trial.

Let’s get a small handful of folks to give the update - reward them for being awesome, helping us, etc., and let’s let them run with it. Stream. Make videos. Just enjoy at their leisure. Who knows, if this works, and people like the idea, maybe we can use it on a bigger scale later. (do not take this as a confirmation of anything KI-related coming down the road. In complete honesty I work on a team that handles all sorts of games, so I am using my test results to help influence things like Scalebound, Recore, and Crackdown since they are still in development.)

So how did I choose my list? Easy.

Max. Dood. Done. Forum mods. Lord knows trying to keep all of you in line is a job that you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. They’re in! Oh! Those guys who came up to studios to help me stream weeks leading up to launch. Helped me create content that ended up on the Halo live stream. Yup, in there! Those fellas who help me at live events? Pfft for damn sure! All in all I had about 15 folks.

What ended up hurting most was that doing this caused a lot of issues for the folks helping us out. We did all sorts of fancy footwork to make this happen. Again
a test. Would be awesome to have it ironed out so that if we wanted to do it again we could just give a key rather than asking for name, dob, ssn, drivers license, blood type, first born, etc. And then after all that it severely limited what and how they could play. In all honesty it is not an optimal user experience, nor one that I would ever open up to more than a handful of folks.

So yes, I guess we could say “butt kissers” were chosen. These are folks who actively help the community and ask for nothing in return, rather than sit behind a camera or a keyboard and throw shade my way. And I’ve seen lots of shade, but that’s fine. I’ll remember. :wink: These were folks that I could rattle off the top of my head as people who would be willing to be put in a bind for a week. They’d done it before in one way or another.

These weren’t folks needing to be at the top of their game for Combo Breaker. They are just fans of varying skill levels, but with hearts and compassion that jump off the meter. They weren’t required to make a single thing. When I look back, though, I think everyone did
except me. I sure got a fever that day and spent my time sleeping. Sue me! Back to the point - it could have just been a quiet week without KI content, but the hundreds of thousands of views combined that the few videos got, and the amount of salt from the entitled folks around the web let me know that this test worked, and I can’t wait to see how it evolves.


please tell me who’s butt I have to kiss to get the missing stages added to the game lol :slight_smile:

As someone who has been sharing (admittedly mediocre when compared to others) Gargos content during Early Access, I find the supposition that I kissed butt to do so leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


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Lol let that sit in your mind for a while. XD

(Psssst, that was on purpose!)

I should have guessed. :stuck_out_tongue: