Does anybody else go through Xbox One controllers like crazy?

It has advantages and disadvantages, like every setup. I started doing keyboard just recently, and the learning curve for me wasn’t so bad.

I like it because mechanical keyboards last the longest, the setup is cheaper, your inputs are a lot more cleaner and I feel faster than with gamepads

The D-pad on the regular xb1 is terrible, became unresponsive within 2 months whereas every controller I’ve ever owned on other consoles is still in perfect working order. I swapped to an arcade stick as soon as I could. I wonder if the elite controller has a better dpad.

I love the d-pad on the eliet controller personally. You can switch put between the standard one or the other one. Not sure what it’s called but it works great for MKX and KI.

Never had a problem. I still have 360 controller from10 years ago, and it works fine. My xone controller is the orginal one also. people I know that have problems are the ones who rig the control to keep them active while they are away. Like using a rubber band to keep the sick in the left or right position.

Bummer- I broke one of the buttons on a 5th controller for my Xbox One. I’ve NEVER had to replace a PlayStation controller.

But Wow something told me to go to Best Buy this time. For only 11.99 I got a 2 year warranty on the controller so that if anything happens to it, I will get a FRESH replacement.
It’s been a lottery of sorts with customer service with GameStop in my last 4 controller purchases.

I know where I will go next time!

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Just did it again- lol
Best Buy swapped a new one for me!!!

Thanks for the advice. I’m doing this for now on.

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I use an Elite and it does. The D-pad actually has a cool “round” variant that is great for doing rolling motions. It takes a bit to get used to, but it is very precise. It is worth the money.

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I might add that I’ve looked under the hood on my elite controller, and it has a bit of a raised plastic piece underneath the green part of the Dpad that from what I can tell helps keep the Dpad from pressing down so hard onto the metal bubble connectors on the pcb and grinding down the tabs that press those in.

But yeah the coin-type attatchment for the Dpad is awesome for KI…not so much for games like Mega Man though.