"Death Of A Unicorn" Movie

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This time a violent, dangerous, lethal, and deadly portrayal of the mythical creature :slight_smile:

Not the first one, though - “Cabin In The Woods” also had a hilarious scene involving a unicorn as well.

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Plus from what I’ve gathered AND if I understand correctly, the unicorn was like that originally: A deadly, lethal, violent, and dangerous mythical creature.

I’ll have to admit some ignorance on the subject. I don’t believe there are any examples of their being dangerous within western myths, but if there are, anyone is welcome to correct me. I heard that supposedly they feature within Middle Eastern and Indian myths(?).

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The Unicorn is feature prominently within Chinese and Japanese myths as the Qilin and the Kirin, respectively.

Oh really? Huh. Interesting.

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Interesting article. Thanks for the link.

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Agree and indeed it is, yes. And no problem too :+1: